Sorry For Being A Spaz


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2006
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How do you work out how many gallons your tank is?
Well I was wondering the same thing the other day, cause my friend gave me her old fish tank and she didnt know how many gallons it was. I dicided to just take a water jug and fill the tank and count how many gallons go in. :)
Length times width times height usually works for me, but I use centimeters.

10 cm x 10 cm x 50 cm = 5000 cm3 = 5 liters.
You take the lenght x height x width(in feet) which equals the cubic feet, then you take the cubic feet x 7.5, and you get the number of gallons. US gallons that is.
Excuse me FREMLIN!! No Name-calling here!! Especially of yourselfl!! If we didn't rely on each other for the answers to the seemingly simple-ist questions, our fish sure wouldn't be around for very long!!


(I'm an under a year newbie, too, learning as I go. My husband brought home a betta about of yearr ago and until he started coming over to visit me whereever I was standing near his tank, I had no interest in these fish. Now I'm hooked)
I just always used litres. Everyone seems to use gallons here so thought I would check. Found a liitle website that does a conversion and turns out my tank is 27.5 UK Gallons.
ha ha that post made me laugh!!

yeah as you've already found out there's loads of calculators on the t'interweb just google it. :D

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