sorry another what to put in the tank question


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hey everyone :p i think i got a case of MTS, i just bought a 25G, cleaned it down today and will put water and cycle it and everythin later on, but right now i'm thinking about what to put in there nad i'm going to start off like this:

some ghost shrimps (possibly 5, since theyr'e 5 for 1.99)
4 female bettas
some snails (maybe 2)
ADF (maybe 2 or 3)

no conflicts yet right? :rolleyes:

okay how about we add in some:

otos (or other kinds of bottom feeders, maybe around 2 of those)
platties (mollies/swordtails, something common like that, maybe around 3 of those in a ratio of 2:1 fmelae to male)

ummm tha'ts all i can think of at the moment, are we hitting hte overstock line yet?

(sorry i know you ugys get like 2235890752 questions like this everyday :*) but please hlep me out :))

ok i have no clue what MTS is but its ok i suppose. second off it all depends on the size of the fish. the female bettas are say 1.5 inchs. so we have 6 gallons off our hands. mollys lets say inch each, thats 9. ghost shrimp i have no clue what size, so ill stick with 5 gallons, 11. snails, we are at 12. put another 2/3 on for otos and we got 15. the ADF are a new thing to me, so if they are less than 3 inchs each, i think you are probly good.
MTS in this case is probably muliple tank syndrome, it can also mean malaysian trumpet snail in different context. ;)
errr i'm talking about mulitple tank syndrome :D in any case, ADF are about...1-2 inches i believe, snails about 1 inch each...nothing i listed will really grow over 2 inches :D

any conflict between 4 female bettas? i figure as soon as they figure out a pecking order things should go okay :)

ghost shrimps are tiny, they only grow to about an inch lets do the maths here

1) female betta fish (1.5inch each) x 4 = 6
2) Ghost shrimps (1 inch each) x 5 = 5
3) Snails (1 inch each) x 2 = 2
4) Mollies (1 inch each) x 3 = 3
5) Otos (1.5 inch each ) x 3 = 4.5
6) ADF (1 inch each ) x 3 = 3

grand total = 23.5 inch so far :D

that's assuming otos will really grow to 1.5 inch and ghost shrimps will hardly cover 1 inch each, so i think i got some loose room :)

if i take out teh snails (becuase i do like to have more fish) what other fish do you thin will be compatible with my tank? so far fish-wise i got:

4 female bettas
3 molles
3 otos

thansk guys :)

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