Soribum Lema

Tiger Tiger

Fish Crazy
Dec 7, 2006
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I bought a couple of these but where not sure.
Well i need not have been unsure they are stunning!
Their feelers as i put them are so long and its great to see them search around.
Its also amazing when you watch them feed for the first time how big their mouths are.
You think they can't be that big due to its size but how wrong can you be , when that shark like jaw opens in comparisism to its size its pretty big.

Great Fish! :good:
yeah they are nice i love all the shovelnose catfish
has your daughter brought your camera home yet :rolleyes:
yeah they are nice i love all the shovelnose catfish
has your daughter brought your camera home yet :rolleyes:

Not yet...Still out there.
She called me and said my Tank looked like peanuts compared to what she has just seen scuba diving in the Bahamas.

You can't ague with that can you really. :no:
This is a piccy of 'Lurch the Birch'.
Has to be about the biggest Pig in the Tank. He will eat anything and everything.
Trouble is he is as blind as a bat and on occasions try's to take my 7 inch clown loaches. Had one in his mouth the other day but the loach just dug his spine in him and he went off and sulked.
Since then he has been a lot more careful and leaves them well alone.
He gets on well with the Lima's but has always got 'Beef' with the Tiger. They annoy each other but its just the odd flap of the tail and that's it.

Not a great piccy but best i could do at present. Taken a while back under twilight.

He is a great Character!


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