Sore On My Clown Loach


New Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Hello all, I am new to the web site.
I have a problem with one of my Clown Loaches. It is about 6 inches long and lives with 2 other Clown Loaches of like size, 4 corys, 2 upside down cats, and a striped Rapheal. In a 55 gallon tank. There are other fish like Tetras and the like.
I was watching the tank this AM and the loach in question just all of a sudden raced around the tank making a lot of splashing and frantic racing around the tank, when I investigated I noticed a large wound on it's side by the front pectoral fin. I isolated it and now I am wondering what to do about the wound. What is the best coarse of action for this fish????
in the wrong section, try posting in the tropical emergency section of the forum, i would help but am no expert on fish disease.

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