Hiya everyone!
Okay, here goes...
My shiny new tank looking a little bit empty:
My test kits and other bits and pieces: (Cost me an arm and a leg!)
Here I have added about half a bag (or so) of CaribSea live sand, five nice, big, chunky pieces of live rock and, of course, lots of lovely salty water:
Lights on:
Here is a lovely little snail that hitchhiked on one of my pieces of live rock:
And another one:
As for the tank, it's a 65 litre Boyu marine tank complete with filter, heater and protein skimmer. (Sorry, I'm not very good at specifications!)
Once my tank has cycled, I am hoping to add:
A pair of black and white ocellaris clownfish (emo Nemos!)
A six-line wrasse
A blood-red fire shrimp
A porcelain anemone crab
And lots of pretty coral!
I will post water test results tomorrow night. Bye-bye for now!
My shiny new tank looking a little bit empty:

My test kits and other bits and pieces: (Cost me an arm and a leg!)

Here I have added about half a bag (or so) of CaribSea live sand, five nice, big, chunky pieces of live rock and, of course, lots of lovely salty water:

Lights on:


Here is a lovely little snail that hitchhiked on one of my pieces of live rock:

And another one:

As for the tank, it's a 65 litre Boyu marine tank complete with filter, heater and protein skimmer. (Sorry, I'm not very good at specifications!)

Once my tank has cycled, I am hoping to add:
A pair of black and white ocellaris clownfish (emo Nemos!)

A six-line wrasse
A blood-red fire shrimp
A porcelain anemone crab
And lots of pretty coral!
I will post water test results tomorrow night. Bye-bye for now!