Sooo... back to the lfs yesterday



Well, some of you know I went on a little spree at the lfs a few days ago. I went back yesterday. :eek: :hyper:

I bought a couple more kuhli loaches (love :wub: :wub: :wub: them) and a few otos for one of my betta tanks. I also bought my first bottle of melafix! lol One of my female bettas was in with my guppies and she suddenly turned baggage on me and tore a couple of their tails really badly. I bought a proper canopy for the 5.5 gallon betta tank where the otos went, too.

Today's project is going to be stripping that little 5.5 gallon tank and replacing the gravel with sand! It wasn't very well planted previously, as all I had for light was a brass swing-arm piano lamp overhead. :rolleyes: I love the tiny bit of sand I put in my 45 for the kuhlis, that I'm going to try and replace the gravel in my other tanks. I'm starting small. :)
Soooooo jealous aquanut, can't wait to see the pics of the kuhlis rummaging away in your new sand when it's sorted! I am sure they will absolutely love it! :wub:
When I got home from work at 1:30 am last night (this morning, technically), all five kuhlis were out and about, and one of them was being sooo cute, all tangled up in a massive java fern, nibbling on some sort of algae or bits of leftover food. I thought about you, platypus, and how you want pics of my new kuhli friends, but I was just tooo tired. I'm sure I'll have some soon! :thumbs:

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