Actually thats not true, hamsters can suffer from humans colds, takes little research to find out, but i know this anyway, my vets confirmed it.
I doubt however its passed by such obscure contact, or rather, the chances are much lower than had you sneezed on your hammy!
If you have a cold, dont handle the hammy for a few days, get someone else to do it, dont be tempted to use gloves, will only scare the hamster and confuse them. They can happily go a few days without being handled.
Generally, by the time you are symptomatic with the cold, it doesnt spread so much as before you had real symptoms, but better safe than sorry. Dont think i know any hamsters thats died from it, they just spend more time in bed (if thats possible!) and sneeze a lot. Kinda like me to be honest!!
My current hamster has probably caught my cold once or twice, hard to remember! He's over 4 years old now, spends most of his time in bed and he has 'cancer'
its really obvious through his baldy thin fur now *sigh* poor Smojo