So I am giving my two goldfish to my mom for Christmas. *Getting her a cute little mini bow or Eclipse 5 for them, too* Which leaves my little Hitler all alone in the tank. I was thinking, since I have 6 bettas, and probably 7 tomorrow, or 8 even, that I should get some livebearers to produce little snacks for em. Plus, babies are fun!
So my questions to you are:
1. Which is the best livebearer to have. I have had mollies before that had babies, but they all FREAKED OUT and went psycho and murdered each other in an attempt to keep the babies safe or something. It was strange. The mother killed the other fish when they got near her school of babies. So, I dunno about Mollies. *the mother later died herself from a parasite that I think she got from being so stressed and suseptable* Guppies are pretty, but wouldn't they eat the babies like I eat french fries?? Are there any other livebearers I could get a pair of that would be good? Oh, and they have to be kept with the sucker fish, too. Unless I give him to my mom. But I've become quite attached to little Hitler. Sniff. Heh.
2. I had another one... I know I did... Ummm. Oh well. Haha.
So my questions to you are:
1. Which is the best livebearer to have. I have had mollies before that had babies, but they all FREAKED OUT and went psycho and murdered each other in an attempt to keep the babies safe or something. It was strange. The mother killed the other fish when they got near her school of babies. So, I dunno about Mollies. *the mother later died herself from a parasite that I think she got from being so stressed and suseptable* Guppies are pretty, but wouldn't they eat the babies like I eat french fries?? Are there any other livebearers I could get a pair of that would be good? Oh, and they have to be kept with the sucker fish, too. Unless I give him to my mom. But I've become quite attached to little Hitler. Sniff. Heh.
2. I had another one... I know I did... Ummm. Oh well. Haha.