Something's up with my crowntail


Fish Herder
Apr 18, 2005
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Ok so I got my crowntail betta about 4 hours ago, and I settled him into his new 1 gallon. I thought that moving onto something with more room than he had ever been in might promote him to swim around, but he is just kind of floating there and i dropped a pellet of food in and he wasn't interested. He poked his nose around the top, but he was inches away from the pellet, like he wanted it but was having trouble finding it, and now he's just kinda stayong suspended in the middle of the tank. He looked like the healthiest one at the store, what should I do?
Ok, good news. I just got him to eat a pellet of food. He's very shy, but once I backed up he seemed a little more alert.
He'll probably be okay.
They usually take a few days to warm up to their new place so he might be pretty shy and skiddish.
Just give him some time and privacy to get used to his new place.
Thanks! I figured as much. My first VT settled right in, he's very outgoing, so I didn't know if this was normal or not. But Merlin is behaving a lot more normally now, he ate some food and is swimming around a bit.

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