Somethings sticking out of my rams

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Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
It looks like a bunch of little red spikey tentacle things are sticking out of my Bolivian rams, just them, and none of the other fish. They are small -< the size of that dash, and are coming out of the end of their digestive track :whistle: The fish have had clear poop for a while, and seem fine otherwise. Any ideas, I'm rather attached to these guys and would like to know if/how I could help them -_- They are in a 55 with serpaes, Head and tail lights, danios, otos, cories, honey gouramis, a pearl gourami, and a Siamese badis :/
It may be to late, I can't find one, and the other got a piece of gravel stuck in his mouth and will probably die of suffocation or starvation.
:X Even though it's too late, I thought I'd let you know that those are camallanus nematodes, an internal parasite I've unfortunately had to deal with. By the time the worms are protruding from the vent, the fish has a pretty heavy infestation. I lost only one fish in my whole tank, but used a very risky livestock dewormer. Camallanus can rage out of control in an aquarium once introduced, so if I were you, I'd worry about your other fish. :( You should probably treat all the fish in that tank with an anthelmintic treatment, such as Discomed. It can be mixed with food, and works the best that way. Good luck, let me know if you have any more questions.
I have the same thing with one of my angelfish. She's had it about for at least a month (visibly). She pigs out at feeding time as always which. Someone suggested using Garlic Guard as a treatment for camallanus, but I have no clue what that would do. I thought garlic guard was used to make medicated food more appealing. I haven't seen Discomed around, but will look harder. I did find a link in another thread here about camallanus that mentioned an effective cure, but I don't know where to find any of that stuff, or what to do with it.... Click here for a link to an article about treatment of camallanus by Charles Harrison. I'm going to emsail theu guy. I've got nothing to lose by doing so...
Are there any other effective treatments for camallanus?


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