Something Wrong With Water


Fish Fanatic
Oct 11, 2008
Reaction score
Greater Manchester
I woke up this morning and looked at my tank and noticed there was a white liquid on top of my water so i stuck my finger in and its like mist also my filter has gone slower and is not pumping a normal amount of water. Ive done a test and here they are

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
GH - >10
KH - 6
PH - 6.8

Please Help, Thanks
filter needs cleaning, switch the filter off, take it apart and gently rinse out the filter media (sponges etc inside the filter) in tank water. This will increase the flow and that will then break up the 'film' on the surface. it's nothing to worry about you just get it when there's not enough flow in the tank.
Only just cleaned it lol but ive hear the jewel rekord 60 filters are very bad indeed i hope i got at least £100 for christmas to buy a decent filter. BTW thanks alot

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