Something Wrong With My Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2009
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I am in the middle of treating a ich outbreak in my tank, thankfully I think I am starting to get it under control. But I noticed that one of my pitbull pleco has been acting a little funny since I started treating the ich. He has been sitting nearly nonstop on a lily pad for the past 2-3 days. He will once in a while, swim to the surface (only about 5 inchs) and then swim right back to his lily pad. I also noticed there is something not right about skin. I hope you all can tell from the pictures I have attached. I am possible thinking Oodinium, but I have never had to deal with that before, so I have no clue. I don't think its ich just for the fact that this looks more yellow then white, and it looks like its a part of him... Could it just be a variation of pitbull, that I haven't really paid attention to, and I have nothing to worry about? Any help would be great. Thanks in advance


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hmm from what you are describing it does sound like 'Velvet'

Ive found a link on it, with some other symptoms to see if it sounds correct
Wow he's covered in it. Poor thing.
Is his skin peeling, any soreness to his skin.
Is he gasping or darting, just acting weird. As you might need to dilute the med down.

Turn tanks lights and shine a torch on the fish for a gold dusting on the fish.
Wow he's covered in it. Poor thing.
Is his skin peeling, any soreness to his skin.
Is he gasping or darting, just acting weird. As you might need to dilute the med down.

Turn tanks lights and shine a torch on the fish for a gold dusting on the fish.

I don't think its velvet, (never had it before either) but none of the symptoms seam to match. Doesn't look like any skin is peeling or any soreness to his skin either. The only odd part is that hes been sitting on the lily pad. At the moment, I can't find him to shine a light on him. The other extremely odd part is, it looks like's he's smiling... I will have to see if I can't get a picture of this. But instead of his mouth being on the bottom, its almost like its up in front, and every time I look at him, its wide open, kind of like he's smiling...
What med are you using?
What med are you using?
I did one dosage of primafix, did a good 25-30% water change. (That was about a week ago). Since then, I have been adding formulin to the tank. (Will probably do another water change tomorrow)
Well I just spotted him again.. I do not think he will be lasting for much longer... I have attached two more pictures. The first one was taken probably about 10 mins ago... , and the second one is from about 6 hours before the first... Thinking about it, I lost my 'stick fish', farlowella, last night. I was surprised that he was going to make it through the ich outbreak, and then I saw him last night behind some plants with almost the same bruises/bleeding marks. Any ideas?? Perhaps the bruises/bleeding is separate then the yellowish marks on his body?


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Is the bleeding beneath the skin.
Poor things they look dreadful.

Can you use bacterial meds with formulin.
Is the bleeding beneath the skin.
Poor things they look dreadful.

Can you use bacterial meds with formulin.

All the pics I have posted were from the same pleco.. and unfortunately I lost him this morning, the interesting part, was I took that 'bleeding under the skin' picture before i went to bed, by morning it looked like he died a week ago, just very odd. After getting him out of the tank, his belly right below his mouth was brown/tan color. The rest of him looked fine. Thanks for all the help, and any ideas on what this could have been? precautions I can take just incase what ever this is decides to start to spread. Thankfully none of the other fish are showing any signs of anything, at the moment at least.
Vlevet on fish can also look like a rusty coloured varnish.
Parasites can also cause septicemia.

Bless him.

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