Something wrong with my black moor..


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida


When I put him in my 120 gallon he went straight for the sand and started sucking it up and spitting it out and was kind of playing in it so I assumed the white spots were just sand sticking to him as it had stuck to some of my other fish before.

I moved him to hiw own 10 gallon today and the sand washed off to reveal what looks like missing scales? It looks like he was bitten there or something?

I added a little salt to his tank hoping it would help.

What exactly is it? What should I do?
Try the salt for now if it dosn't improve get back to the board, there is no whiteness on the skin is there.
Wilder said:
Try the salt for now if it dosn't improve get back to the board, there is no whiteness on the skin is there.
The spot is white. Not bright white but more of a greyish white. It doesn't look fuzzy and there aren't anymore patches or white spots on the body. Just kind of looks like he was torn open. There is even a small hole in the center of where the white patch is. It is really weird. I added two teapoonfuls of aquarium salt. Will that be enough?

Do I have to take the carbon out for salt? :dunno: Should I take out this log decoration I have in there. I could see it kind of being sharp to maybe a fish but not really. :dunno:
If you have an internal bacteria med I would add that if there is a hole there, also remove the black carbon, if you haven't added the salt yet, you could always use melafix, good luck.
Wilder said:
If you have an internal bacteria med I would add that if there is a hole there, also remove the black carbon, if you haven't added the salt yet, you could always use melafix, good luck.
The only thing I have right now is salt :dunno: I went to the LFS and they don't have the meds there for internal parasites nor do they have melafix. :no:

I removed the carbon before I put the salt in and it is still out. It looks like a small needle hole. :dunno:

Anyways he/she has normal brown solid poo, no white poo. :dunno:
That looks A LOT like what my little girls had. If it is, you need to lower the temperature and get him/her started on Tetracycline IMMEDIATELY. It is a horrible disease so I hope *fingers crossed* that your fish doesn't have it. Make sure to lower the temperature, though, just in case. (70 degrees if possible.) Basically what my fish developed was a white-ish patch on the top of their bodies which eventually started looking "saddle-like" in appearance. They ate for the first few days and then completely lost their appetites. Their fins started rotting away and blood spots appeared on their sides and around their eyes. Then their scales started falling off and they became lethargic. Sorry for the graphic description... but if he has any of these symptoms you should start medicating immediately. :X I hope all goes well with the little guy and that my experience can help you some. :thumbs:
Tetracycline? Do they sell that in the US? I went to walmart today and a LFS and they didn't have anything like it. :/
The white patch is getting smaller since I've added the salt but it isn't 100% gone. Should I maybe do a few strong salt dips or just leave the regular amount it in his main tank?
If the white patch is getting smaller, I would continue what you are doing! Just make sure to keep the temperature as low as possible. (In case it ends up being columnaris.) Mardel is the only brand that I know of which makes a tetracycline medication for fish.
3fsh said:
If the white patch is getting smaller, I would continue what you are doing! Just make sure to keep the temperature as low as possible. (In case it ends up being columnaris.) Mardel is the only brand that I know of which makes a tetracycline medication for fish.
Well he is in a coldwater tank and the temp is around 68-70 F :nod:
Yes do some salt baths as columnaris hates salt, sometimes you can cure it without meds.

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