My swordtails upper lip is taering off I don't know what happening to her? Hes goes in one corner and lays there and the three other females come around her I hope they are not eating her .
Well firstly, what exactly does the damage on her tail look like, like does it have a kind of fluffy white/light grey outline to it and how fast is the tearing appearing?
It is posible she has fin rot which can either come about as an infection to wounds on the fish's fins or due to other things like water quality problems/stress for the fish.
Either that or it is simply an injury; i have heard red tailed sharks can be quite agressive/nippy; have you noticed any of the other fish chasing her around?
Even if it is simple injury i would try and keep water quality as good as posible and treat the tank with Melafix to try and stop any secondary infection from setting in.
Does it kind of look like the skin is peeling off? Fins clamped? Is he a new fish or your old one? Have you added anybody new to the tank in the last week or two? Have you tested your water particulary nitrite? Have you had any problems with nitirite recently?
If you have no scaleless fish in the tank add some salt to the tank - 1 tbsp per 5 gallons. Or you can try giving the swordie an individual salt bath in a seperate container.
Give her a salt bath, also can you issolate her if so add some salt to her tank, and try anti internal bacteria med, good luck, also please post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph,what size tank, how many fish and which type.