Something to think about


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
I'm tired :p J/K

Anyhoo, I've been timing how long it takes to care for the bettas versus the big tanks, this is for WATER CHANGES ONLY! This does not include making the rounds twice a day and feeding each individual jar.

Last night I did water changes on 100 jars (jars only,no small tanks),as I do every other night....4 times a week. It took a grand total of an hour and a half,non-stop. This morning I did water changes on my 55 grow out,20 grow out,42,50,29,120 & 10. That's 7 big tanks once a week and it hour and a half. So basically big tanks are much,much easier to care for than jars. Not to mention I change 85% of the mentioned grow outs 3 times a week.

Point is, caring for jarred fish is extremely time consuming. At least 3 hours a day. Just a dose of reality for everybody :)
wuv, thanks for putting that into perspective. i'm thinking about spawing in the future (i have lovely black and white pair and a nice little copper pair). but i know that right now, i don't have time to just do the needed conditioning and actually spawning. i couldn't imagine trying to take care of the all the resulting fry, and when you put it that way, i can see i definitely don't have that kind of time now. think i will just go back with the plan of waiting until the end of spring when life gets less busy for me.
Thanks,I was worried that might have come out the wrong way.
I don't want to discourage anybody ;) I just want to raise awareness of life 'outside' the grow out tank.Once those puppies start filling up your shelves with jars full of hungry mouths,it gets a bit hectic at times. :p

One could always do a drip system,but those can be pricey and large and from what I understand they still need daily cleanings. Personally I'll always keep it old school with good ole fashioned hands on action :p I'm only following in the footsteps of those who know best :*
Well If I were going to spawn once and get ~50 fry that meens it would only take 1 1/2 hours right? And another 30 hour for feeding? :/
It definitely gets harder the more spawns you have. One spawn is somewhat easy to focus on and deal with :nod: I've always said 50 is the perfect size :p But sometimes you get a spawn like my red one,where you end up with 100's of beautiful survivors. Some solve this problem by culling. Others just deal with the mass.
So no, a small,single spawn is MUCH easier . I estimate a bit over a minute a jar,so with 50ish it would take almost an hour and a half a day for care and feedings combined. :thumbs:
it's a lot of work for sure, if my wife wasn't able to stay home during the day i honestly think we would have to reconsider the whole breeding program as water changes and feeding of fry are a fulltime job.
I hear ya....even when I only had a few bettas, I thought they were harder than that tanks...but now that I have over 70.....there is no question. ;) So worth it though. :nod:
wuvmybetta said:
Once those puppies start filling up your shelves with jars full of hungry mouths,it gets a bit hectic at times. :p
wuv...why are you keeping puppys in wonder it takes so long to clean the jars.... :blink: :rofl: :hyper: :rofl:
Fisher... :lol: That gets a laugh followed quickly by a boo..

I know what you mean. The thing is, you can't control how many they have. You can control how many there are later, through culling, but many people are not willing or able to do this (I don't, unless a fry is seriously deformed, but that's not a judgement on those that do - I get too attached). And the more you have, the longer it takes.

I will also say that many people here, beginners and experts alike, seem to currently be having spawning problems. I think reading about some of the probs people are having might make folks realize that it isn't all pie and ice cream.
At least 3 hours a day.
I think that it's amazing and wonderful that you do all that. I know that it's the work that just comes with the territory when one breeds bettas... but I also know human nature and there are some who breed their fish but don't look after them 1/2 as well as you do.
Do your bettas know how lucky they are?? :D
Another thing to keep in mind is the cost, even after you have all your tanks etc. There is the electricity to keep all those tanks and jars at 75-80F...whether it's by heating a room or individual heaters, it does drive the electricity bill WAY up (sometimes double), and then the water cost...that's not as drastic as water is alot cheaper than electricity, but still an added montly cost...and then the food, it's just amazing how much food a growing spawn eats once it's grown out of the live BBS.

What we do for the satisfaction of watching that teeny little dot become a beutiful adult Betta :)

I certainly agree.

Do your bettas know how lucky they are??
No,they're brats :|

My husband has been asking "Why's the water bill so high?" for the last few months :look: I mean c' it really not that obvious :rofl:
And food will kill ya,especially when you're trying to give them the best. I'm so used to buying frozen food that I don't even cringe at a $40 a week food bill anymore, that's getting out cheap!! I felt lucky that frozen brine and two jugs of RO water only cost me 13.00 today :rolleyes: Little did I realize that within two days I'll need more pellets...I'm out,more bloodworms since I only have about 3 feedings left,more mysis since I used the last,last night. It's always something :rolleyes:

Also, dechlorinator ALONE when you're changing mass quanities of water. I spend $28 a month just on that :/
wuvmybetta said:
Also, dechlorinator ALONE when you're changing mass quanities of water. I spend $28 a month just on that :/
I don't know why, but this is the one that really drives me crazy. Although less so then when I was buying the 16 oz for 9.99 at petsmart a couple of times a month. So now I print out the online price, which is less then 5.00, and take it in and stock up. It still bugs me, but at least it's a bit cheaper.

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