Something Strange


New Member
Nov 29, 2005
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Hi every one, I'm a first time Betta owner but I had had one from 10/6/05 till today 11/29/05 the strange thing is I changed his water when it was needed kept the water at room temp like the instructions said fed him twice a day 3 pelets each time with a special betta food he had a little aquarium buddy a fake coral to hide behind and everything was fine including plenty of Light that was needed. the strange thing that happened this afternoon was he was darting and dancing around his tank after I cleaned it all happy and chipper and fine then I look again like maybe five seconds later and he's belly up, now I've looked at all Known Betta Deseases and can't figure it out.....Please...HEEEEEEELP!!!!!

First time Betta Owner
Some completely random guesses:
Did you remember to dechlor? Was there a large change in water temp when you changed it?
What did his body look like? Pale, or in full colour? Were his gills redder than normal?
Some completely random guesses:
Did you remember to dechlor? Was there a large change in water temp when you changed it?
What did his body look like? Pale, or in full colour? Were his gills redder than normal?

We don't have to dechlor as our water is not Chlorinated, No there was no large change in water temp when I changed it. He was full of color. his gills were normal. his body was normal. he was lively and energetic as normal. I know your a an expert in this field but this is sooooo Puzzling even my dad can't figure it out.

Dads Idea: Heart Attack?

but is that likely in Betta's? and if so shouldn't it be labled on the Deseases page?

i thoughtyou should ALWAYSdechlor water no mater what it has/nt got in it :/
yes you do because there still could be heavy metal's in the water and/or harmful bactiera in it (mine dose that) so it's a good idea to dechlor the water
...and/or harmful bactiera in it (mine dose that) so it's a good idea to dechlor the water
.... Dechlorinator isn't an antiseptic, so I'm not sure what difference that would make?

Have you sprayed anything in the room lately? Air freshener, glass/surface cleaner.... anything?
...and/or harmful bactiera in it (mine dose that) so it's a good idea to dechlor the water
.... Dechlorinator isn't an antiseptic, so I'm not sure what difference that would make?

Have you sprayed anything in the room lately? Air freshener, glass/surface cleaner.... anything?

no, I covered his bowl when it was time to do the dusting(which is a daily basis) but that wasn't it because I did the dusting and everything in the early morning so I have time to hang with friends. and to answer some one else in one foul swoop I'm on well water and well lets just say that it doesn't hurt my gold fish that I have >_>; course theres always the thing of heart attack risk too >_<; don't even wanna think about that! what doesn't make sense is wouldn't it have affected him long before now? I mean I change his water every 2-4 days


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