my betta,chase, has been living peacefully with my guppies.he never attacks or even chases anymore.i thought thing were going great, so I could add more fish......oops.
my 3 mosquito fish live in a 8g with no filter.i wanted to try and add them to the guppy/betta tank. the only thing l was worried about was the mosquitoes attacking the guppies. so l decided to add only 1 at first. l acclimated her, while l was doing so, she must have jumped out of her container! i searched the tank but couldn't find her at first. the other fish acted normal. l left in hopes of her coming out while l was away.I looked for the little fish again and finally found her in the little cave thing.terrified.i thought she was just scared of the new surroundings. l checked on her a little later to find both Chase and the mosquito in the cave.
Chase was ATTACKING!!!
i quickly removed the mosquito fish and put her back in the old tank.Chase instantly relaxed.he swam right by the guppies without a care in the world. why did he attack the other fish