My two female swordies, Bee and Eris, are really stirring up the sand with their weird bickering today...
Eris the lyretail is acting as if she's trying to mate with Bee the red swordie. Bee darts away, then Eris starts chasing her and pecking her. Eris also chases my swordtail male away whenever he tries to defend Bee.
Tha heck is going on here?!
All I did was change the water an hour ago...
Eris the lyretail is acting as if she's trying to mate with Bee the red swordie. Bee darts away, then Eris starts chasing her and pecking her. Eris also chases my swordtail male away whenever he tries to defend Bee.
Tha heck is going on here?!
All I did was change the water an hour ago...