Something May Be Wrong With My Heater


Sep 3, 2005
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I just stuck my hand in my long 20g to fix a plant and it was somewhat cold then I stuck my hand in the 10g to compare temps and it was alot warmer. Should I turn the heater up or what? The fish are acting fine by the way.
What's the temp reading in the 20gal.
I don't have a thermometer but the thermostat on the heater is 79 it just doesn't feel like the 10g does.
That's fine then, the ten gal will feel warmer it's a smaller tank, plus different heaters work better than others, i had two different heaters in my tanks, both set at the same temp, and one tank would always feel warmer than the other.
I don't have a thermometer but the thermostat on the heater is 79 it just doesn't feel like the 10g does.
so how do you know if your thermostat is set at the correct temp if i was you i would be inclined to get a termometer at least then you would know what the temp was then, plus what about if your heater breaks down? they have been known to stick on & boil the water
Good thanks. Yeah they are different heaters the one in the 10g is a whisper heater and the one is the 20g is a visitherm I wanted to get whisper heaters for both tanks but whisper changed the way there heaters used to be and I don't like the new way they make it.
That's fine wouldn't worry then.
I don't have a thermometer but the thermostat on the heater is 79 it just doesn't feel like the 10g does.
so how do you know if your thermostat is set at the correct temp if i was you i would be inclined to get a termometer at least then you would know what the temp was then, plus what about if your heater breaks down? they have been known to stick on & boil the water
See right there in bold it says "but the thermostat on the heater is 79" so I know what the temp is set at because it has a thermostat on it to turn it off when it reachs the temp it shuts off. I just don't have a thermometer to see what the actual temp it is.
what i was trying to point out was how do you know if the thermostat is calibrated at the right temp? as most are only a guidline
Well I don't but I just hope it is right because don't have a thermometer.
The paperwork probably said that it needed to be worked with for a couple days to get the setting right. A thermometer is a must if you have a heater. Good luck
No -_- The heater has a built in thermostat that you set on a setting and it heats up to the setting and turns off and turns back on when it gets below the set temp it turns back on.
most heaters that you buy these days have a built in thermostat,(once over you needed both is that me showing my age) i use the visitherm heaters in all my tanks as i find them to be a good reliable heater but the temp setting is only a guidline to get an acurate reading you would be better with a thermometer but thats just my preferance :D
Hi Durbkat :)

You need to buy a thermometer, period! :nod:

The settings on heaters are just as often wrong as they are right and sometimes the only way to tell is to check with a thermometer. You should also be checking the temperature of the water you are adding during water changes.

Thermometers are a good investment of a dollar or two and the risks you take by not having one are great. BTW. don't get the kind that stick on the side of the tank. They are not reliable. :D
Hi Durbkat :)

You need to buy a thermometer, period! :nod:

The settings on heaters are just as often wrong as they are right and sometimes the only way to tell is to check with a thermometer. You should also be checking the temperature of the water you are adding during water changes.

Thermometers are a good investment of a dollar or two and the risks you take by not having one are great. BTW. don't get the kind that stick on the side of the tank. They are not reliable. :D
Thanks guys. Hey Inchworm did you just change your user name from inchworm to MSinchworm back to Inchworm?

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