Size of aquarium/pond - 55gal
Types of fish - koi
Number of fish and sizes - five 5-8 inch
Filtration used and how do you clean it and how often - aqueon 55/75 and aquaclear's 55+ gallon filter (not sure model #), cleaned once a week
How much in the way of water changes and how often -- 25-50% every 3 days
Do you dechlorinate - yes,tetra aquasafe+
Symptoms of sick fish ie, spots, behaviour, etc - solid black koi has what look like white scratches all along his left side. Started as what looked like a missing scale, but has the appearance of scratches now. Other koi have the occasional odd looking scale, but nothing like this. I can't take a picture less than 300kb...
How long has the fish been sick and which medications are your currently using or recently used - fish acquired recently (a week ago) so not sure of sickness duration. "Scratches" have worsened in appearance every day since I noticed them (about 4 days ago). Currently trying to add salt to tank, raise water temp above 78, and using kordon anti-ich treatment
Test results for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph both from the tap and tank - all good from tap. Tank: api test for ammonia always reads 8ppm/dark green (no idea why?), even after 50% water change. All others are within spec. Seachem ph gauge stuck at 8, api says 7.3 - seachem ammonia guage says .05, is api test unreliable?
Anything else you need us to know - nothing in tank for koi to scratch themselves on. No gravel or substrate. I also have a powerhead 70 running in there 24/7.
Types of fish - koi
Number of fish and sizes - five 5-8 inch
Filtration used and how do you clean it and how often - aqueon 55/75 and aquaclear's 55+ gallon filter (not sure model #), cleaned once a week
How much in the way of water changes and how often -- 25-50% every 3 days
Do you dechlorinate - yes,tetra aquasafe+
Symptoms of sick fish ie, spots, behaviour, etc - solid black koi has what look like white scratches all along his left side. Started as what looked like a missing scale, but has the appearance of scratches now. Other koi have the occasional odd looking scale, but nothing like this. I can't take a picture less than 300kb...
How long has the fish been sick and which medications are your currently using or recently used - fish acquired recently (a week ago) so not sure of sickness duration. "Scratches" have worsened in appearance every day since I noticed them (about 4 days ago). Currently trying to add salt to tank, raise water temp above 78, and using kordon anti-ich treatment
Test results for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph both from the tap and tank - all good from tap. Tank: api test for ammonia always reads 8ppm/dark green (no idea why?), even after 50% water change. All others are within spec. Seachem ph gauge stuck at 8, api says 7.3 - seachem ammonia guage says .05, is api test unreliable?
Anything else you need us to know - nothing in tank for koi to scratch themselves on. No gravel or substrate. I also have a powerhead 70 running in there 24/7.