Will that be her intestine falling out? I have a female guppy who has this "rectal prolapse" thing, discovered a month ago but she's still fine *fingers crossed*
It looks like some sort of prolapse. I'm hoping it goes back up in there where it's supposed to go because I have no clue what to do for the poor thing.
Look closely! If it's really a prolapse, u can see the poop coming out and after the poop has falled off, you can see the intestine (it's like a semi white transparent tube)... sorry to be that graphic
Well it's not that...I wish it was...It looks like a miniature brain. Her,um,how do I say this and be tasteful...poo hole (?) is about this ( ) big around and the mass is just all out there. She tried to eat while ago and now she's just sitting at the surface she looks like she's in some pretty bad pain.
I know it'a not nice to say but if she can't be helped euthansia (spelling )might be your only option.....I hope it don't come to it but it will be worse for her being in such pain
I did get her out and try to GENTLY get it back in there...I really didn't push I kind of...this is so gross...gently tried to get it back in her belly without hurting her. I didn't want to do too much it looks like it hurts so bad.
It looks a little smaller and less red right now,I'm praying it will shrink up and go back where it's supposed to. I hate to euthanise her.