Something is going wrong in my tank!!!!!!


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2003
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Something is wrong. Yesterday I noticed my platy getting skinny. Last night he died. I don't know how. He was hiding a lot then I found him dead.
A couple days ago I noticed two little white dots (I don't think it's ich, but I'm not sure) on my neon blue dwarf gourami's head. The dots are right by his mouth. All he does is hide now.
I don't know what's wrong but I don't want to lose more pets. My rabbit just got put to sleep and one of my platy's died.
Oh yeah, all this started after I did my water change (on July 27) which is also the day I got my 2nd platy (the one still alive).
PLEASE HELP!! What could be wrong?
I dont klnow how to cure it, but I think your fish has urm like fin rot, but on hes lip.

mouth fungus
Hi Ashley,

Have you got any water readings?

Any other symptoms?

How old is the tank?

Male or female platy?

The new fish could have brought a disease with it.... :/

Any more dots/spots on the fish?

I don't have any water readings. I don't have a test kit. My dad does, but he uses it for his saltwater tank. Can it also be used on freshwater?? I only had that platy for 14 days. I have a 15 day gaurentee on it. I'll maybe take it to Petsmart and then I can get a water test done. Do stores charge money to do water tests for you??
My betta does have two white lines on each side of his head in front of his gills.
The tank is 4 weeks old but there is water from my other cycled tank in it.
The platy is a female.
Oh! I was looking at my other fish and my black skirt tetra has two clear dots on both sides of his head. One on each side. maye it is ich. :(
I'll have to put some ich med that i have in it.
petsmart should test your water fro free. sory to hear of your troubles. wtaer parametes will make it much easier for us to make a diagnosis as to what is really happening.

if the tank is only 4 weeks old it is probably still going through the initial cycle. usually about 6 weeks to complete is nothing is used to seed the tank and speed the process up.

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