something elusive


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
the mitten state
some how a disease has started wiping out my spawn. today i had to take out 10 of my fry, some with fungus
tomm. i will be changing the water, but its only been 5 days since they've will it be too much for them?
ya their not like other fry. they are extreamly prone to disease and requir almost constant water changes and meds added until their about a month old and can handle a filter ;)
GuppyDude said:
ya their not like other fry. they are extreamly prone to disease and requir almost constant water changes and meds added until their about a month old and can handle a filter ;)
I keep sponge filter in my barracks filter and when fry are hatched i put one in the tank from day 1 and it just bubbles a about a bubble a second, so just going but no turbalance as the top is just out the tank so its working from day 1 never had any problems and water stays fine and when fry two wekks old increase the bubbles so moving more water untill is on full throttell at about a month old. and doing fine........ :p

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