Something Different For A Spare 65l


Always room for one more tank...
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Beds, UK
I've recently had a clear out of the garage, and along with the coldwater tank thats in there I'm thinking about setting up a spare 65L tank. For once I can put whatever I want in there, as SWMBO never goes in there - its just something for me, and possibly a step towards setting it up as some sort of fish room.

I'm after ideas of what to put in there. Not a community tank, something different but preferably not extortionately priced or especially finicky about water changes (as 30% weekly with overfiltration will be as good as it gets.)
As its in a garage and I can't be bothered with T5 etc, tank will be either no planting or artificial plants only. I Live in a fairly hard water area if that makes a difference.

Any ideas folks? I've currently got a CA cichlid tank and a normal community tank indoors, so I'm after something either unusual or just something I've not kept before.



(I've cross posted in Tropical Discussion as well, if theres an issue with that mods please feel free to delete one or other.)
Shrimp make a nice chance of pace, well they did for me. Dwarf puffers might be another option.
Have kept shrimp before and thought they were great, but it'll be in a dimly lit garage so it'd be difficult to see them.

DP's are an option that I've considered, along with a small shell dweller tank or killi's - because I've been meaning to keep killi's for awhile now, but as above - its a dimly lit garage and given their size I don't think I'll see too much of them in the time I'm in there each day.

Whilst going through Wildwoods current stock, something which popped up as an option is a pair of Badis Badis - has anyone kept them before? I'd imagine I'd have to invest in some silk fake plants (as I won't be using lighting, and theres very little natural light comes through) but they do look impressive. Anyone got any experiences of them?

Something else which cropped up was Microctenopoma ansorgii (Ornate Ctenopoma.)

And of course, any other suggestions are welcome.
I do not know if there avalible in your area but piranhas are a beautiful animal to keep and contrary to beleifs you can acutaly keep up to 3 or 5 in a good sized tank i have 5 in a 55 gallon tank and two of them are smaller than the other three. they can be rather messy tho and dont seem to like alot of lite . and artifisal plants are the way to go because they will eat live ones. just something for you to consider.
^^^ 5 "piranhas" (I assume red bellies) is too many for a 55g. A standard 55g (48x12) is too small for a full grown rbp imo. If you do keep them, only keep 1 in that size of a tank.

There aren't really any piranhas that you can keep in a tank of that size. A 20g long would be the absolute minimum for a wimple piranha imo.

What are the dimensions of the tank?

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