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Jul 5, 2005
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United States
I got my betta about 3 months ago, he was fairly healthy in terms of attitude and eating and things, but he LOOKED horrible. His fins were practically rotting away, his skin looked pale and kinda gross... But he had no diseases or parasites or anything. I think he may have had Finrot in the past, but by the time I got him, it was no longer progressing - It just had not healed.

He was in a 5 gallon all to himself for 2 months or so, and was acting wonderfully, at least compaired to most betta's I've seen. His appearence never changed though. I assumed it was all scar tissue and things like that creating his bad appearence, and it would never change.

Then he was moved to a 20 gallon community tank with some non-nippy tetra's and my Dojo loaches. It just occured to me a few days ago, I somehow never actually noticed the progression - His fins no longer have the appearence of fin rot, his skin around his face is no longer pale... He is stunning! So, my personal desision from now on, is to not keep any betta's in small tanks (though I have no problems with others doing it). I thought he was happy and unstressed before, but obviously, this large tank was all he needed to get in tip-top shape. He is even more active then before, racing around the tank and digging in the Java moss.

Just thought I'd share my personal experience ^_^ This is my first ever betta, and It's nice to suddenly realize he looks as beautiful as a show betta, after looking like he just got out of a mosh pit for 2 months!

I've been fighting with myself for about 2 weeks - I REALLY want to put him on his own again, just because (even though he's perfectly tempere in my community tank) I'm afraid he's going to get too rough with one of my fishies, but I adore having him in this community tank - He gets along great, and now I know he's much healthier in this tank, Not to mention, the plants and red rocks in the tank really make him stand out. I think unless I actually see or have a problem, I will be keeping him in the 20 gallon.
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I would leave him in there unless you see any signs of aggression.
I had my male betta in with 2 platies and 2 mollies and it was fine.
Your lil' guy obviously sounds like he's doing better in the bigger tank
so unless he gives you a reason to take him out, leave him in there! :D
maybe it's not just the bigger tank that's making him happy. maybe it's his new friends in the tank
It's possible ^_^ Even though they are supposedly very solitary, he does 'play' with the tetra's, which when I first put them in there assumed was aggression... He chases them around, but never bites them, or even has physical contact with them. The tetra's feared him at first, but they could care less now and let his charge them all he wants ^_^ They don't even bother running most of the time now, they don't see a threat ^^

He also has a dojo who tries to shoal with him ^___^ They swim along side eachother, it's adorable.

Man... Fish are neat. *giggles to self*
Right now I have my Fiodore in my 25 gallon with some rainbow fish, 2 silver mollies and 2 baby blue crawfish... He seems to get along great with everyone and he zips all over the tank. It's really cool to see a crowntail swimming across a big tank! :fish:
yes it would be very neet to see that. where would i get a blue crayfish.
I got 2 blue crawfish on aquabid for $10 + $12 shipping. You can also check out

they're way way cute, and very active... scurrying all over the bottom of the tank.
I had a betta get very depressed once and putting him in a larger tank with 'friends' was just what he needed. He lived to be so old!

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