Someone Please Help Me :(


New Member
Oct 20, 2007
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Woke up this morning to find my common plec lying on his back, hes still breathing. Ive had him 2 years with no problems. I do regular water tests n paramaters are all fine. His stomach is sunken but hes not starved. He tried swimming at one point but couldnt very well, he was spinning (around the length of his body axis). He has never suffered illness or disease. Can any one suggest anything?? Its been 7 hours since we noticed and hes still alive. Does he have a chance?? i dont want to lose him :no:
When fish suddenly exhibit symptoms of stress, here's the list of things to do:

1. Check the temperature.
2. Check the nitrite level.
3. Check the pH is stable (the precise value doesn't matter in most freshwater tanks, but stability is important).
4. Look for anything odd in the tank: dead fish, or something children might have dropped in.
5. Replace 25-50% of the water.
6. Consider if anything in the environment might be toxic: paint fumes, bug spray, etc.

As a stop-gap measure, change some water and increase water circulation. Adding extra aeration helps. The idea is to optimise conditions. Don't feed the fish. Plecs are generally very hardy animals, but certain things, such as sudden changes in pH, will cause severe stress. A few medications (particularly those containing copper and/or formalin) can stress certain catfish species. This isn't consistently reported, but has been noted by some.

Cheers, Neale

Woke up this morning to find my common plec lying on his back, hes still breathing. Ive had him 2 years with no problems. I do regular water tests n paramaters are all fine. His stomach is sunken but hes not starved. He tried swimming at one point but couldnt very well, he was spinning (around the length of his body axis). He has never suffered illness or disease. Can any one suggest anything?? Its been 7 hours since we noticed and hes still alive. Does he have a chance?? i dont want to lose him :no:
Am i best to keep the light off to reduce stress? I am going to try a small water change when my boyfriend gets home in an hour. Another thing that i just considered is that i suddenly had an increase in algae this week. Not lots but definately noticebly more than normal. Thanks for your reply and advice

Also would his inability to swim without rolling onto his back be a sign of stress or would this indicate something else?
The lighting won't make much difference either way. Most fish prefer the dark, but not to the degree that leaving the lights on stresses them. As for the algae, if we're talking either diatoms (golden-brown scum on the glass) or blue-green algae (red, black or cyan coloured slime, usually on the substrate) then these are reliable signs of water quality issues. Diatoms fluorish during the "cycling" phase were water quality goes up and down. Blue-green algae tolerate low oxygen concentration, poor water circulation, and very high levels of nitrate/phosphate.

Cheers, Neale

Am i best to keep the light off to reduce stress? I am going to try a small water change when my boyfriend gets home in an hour. Another thing that i just considered is that i suddenly had an increase in algae this week. Not lots but definately noticebly more than normal. Thanks for your reply and advice

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