Someone Just Plz Help Give Me Advice Plz


Jan 5, 2009
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UK Manchester
2 attempts at planted tanks weeks later nasty looking dead plants each time :(

Basically i have about 1-2 inches of sand substrate thats it

my lighting is 2X18WW Fluresent tubes tank dimensions 80x35x45cm

i did use nutrafin co2 with diy mixture but it leaked in my tank so im scared to use it now ive never used ferts think this is where im going wrong

well here goes with my lighting and substrate what plants could i grow in my tank nice list of pretty plants would be cool i cant afford co2 system or a new lighting so im gonna have to do with what i got i will buy ferts but which one do i need also whats better for co2 diy mixture or easy carbo all help would be great thanks also my biggest problem is dust algae i always get it on the glass and rocks

im gonna go out and buy lots of new plants and try and start again with some advice

well, i have got gravel, you have sand; so im not sure if that will make a big difference. But, I have DIY CO2 and no ferts (until i go to my LFS and buy some for the first time) but my Java Moss grows brilliantly, my Riccia is slowly growing; and the rest of my plants grow like weeds =/

what size tank do you have?

BTW, i would get Easycarbo, mainly due to its hard to say the amount that is going into your tank, mine is a 20gallon cube tank ;)

well, i have got gravel, you have sand; so im not sure if that will make a big difference. But, I have DIY CO2 and no ferts (until i go to my LFS and buy some for the first time) but my Java Moss grows brilliantly, my Riccia is slowly growing; and the rest of my plants grow like weeds =/

what size tank do you have?

BTW, i would get Easycarbo, mainly due to its hard to say the amount that is going into your tank, mine is a 20gallon cube tank ;)
Tank dimensions are in my post im just scared the yeast will go in my tank again what plants are you growing actually i have a nitrate removal sponge in my filter will this cause problems for plants ? riccia is that not meant to be hard to grow without co2 because i really want some i just cant get hold of it
i think you could make a 8 gallon high tech planted shrimp tank. which wud only need a single gro lux light,diy co2 for such a small tank will be fine and you,ll need just a tiny amount of carib sea eco complete and liquid ferts cost about 5 dollars in pakistan. a pair of cherry,tiger and ghost shrimp wud be a planted haven
i would get Easycarbo,

Hi, would you recommend that for any kind of tank, is it ok to use on its own i.e. normal light etc, no other fancy CO2 things, just a basic tank, light, filter with plants and fish!


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