somemore questions


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
So it's my first big tank i bought it today and have some more questions

I'm planning a african cichlid mbuna tank with lot's of rock 90gallon

Should i have any worries about the tank holding with so much rocks? i was hopeing to get a lot of nice round ones but these seem really heavy and I want to stack the rocks high
whatr about styrofoam under the tank, or eggcrate these should help right?

And what test kits do i need already have pH
Hi not to sure about the rocks..but i can help you with the test part..
I picked up a tetra test was about $30 ( in my area maybe dif for you)...The tests are easy and the instructions are pretty straight forward. It tests for everything but Nitrates..which i just picked up seperately for $14..

:thumbs: hoped i helped
thannks digital_run, fish_r_great,

another question

I bought some playsand at rona to use as substrate, from my understanding to clean it youn stick it in a bucket add warm water and stir it then pour any real fine stuff and dirt out with the water

this right??
it is a black wooden tank stand not sure if it is made specifically for the tank but the tank is normal sized and fits

All I really know is that water weighs about 8.5 pounds per gallon. So that's almost 800 pounds right there. If the stand was designed for the tank, it should at least hold the tank and the water. It's hard to say how much extra weight you're adding and how much extra weight the stand will hold. Generally speaking, wood is strong, and if it's well built and in good shape, you should be OK.


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