Some White Cloud Questions


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
hi ive got a 15gallon tank currently cycling with 6 white cloud mountain minnows, just a few questions for the long run

are the standard and golden variety compatible?

i also wouldnt mind either an albino cory or a panda cory are these compatible with the white clouds

thank's Sam
Yes to all things :D

Just two things though, white clouds are sub-tropical not tropical so watch how high the tank temp is, cooler is better. Also Corydora's are tropical but they can addapt to almost anything, I have even heard of people putting them in unheated goldfish bowels so im sure if you accumulated them slowly it would be ok, stick with hardier types like bronze and peppered cory, I wouldent try the panda in that as they are alot more sensitive then most cory, hope this helps and good luck!
ok thanks i know my localisst fish shop sells bronze cory's ill leave it a week or 2 to let the tank cycle, tank temp the last few days hasnt dropped below 20C...........unheated :/ the heaters set to 18C incase it gets to cold at nights

maybe a couple of golden variety white clouds and 1 maybe 2 corys then
ok thanks i know my localisst fish shop sells bronze cory's ill leave it a week or 2 to let the tank cycle, tank temp the last few days hasnt dropped below 20C...........unheated :/ the heaters set to 18C incase it gets to cold at nights

maybe a couple of golden variety white clouds and 1 maybe 2 corys then

Yah bronze cory would probably be you best bet with that group... but have you considered weather loaches as a bottom feeder? your temp would be great for them
not over keen on weather loaches my temperature atm is 22C (un heated!!!!!!!!! :/ ) and the minnows are thriving although thier still young one was showing his fins off earlier, also had a spell where they wouldnt dive from the water surface gave them an instant 25% water change and all is fine now. ive read that the cory is a group fish would 2 be happy enough or am i better leaving them till i have a large enough tank to have a group

many thanks for your help, much apreciated :)
WCMM's are fine in tropical tempratures. Mine constantly reaches 26 degrees unheated and they dont care.
not over keen on weather loaches my temperature atm is 22C (un heated!!!!!!!!! :/ ) and the minnows are thriving although thier still young one was showing his fins off earlier, also had a spell where they wouldnt dive from the water surface gave them an instant 25% water change and all is fine now. ive read that the cory is a group fish would 2 be happy enough or am i better leaving them till i have a large enough tank to have a group

many thanks for your help, much apreciated :)

Woah, your not "keen" on weather loaches!!!!!!

With cory basically the more the better so long as they arnt over crowded, personally I dont like haveing them in groups any less then six but im kinnda stupid about stuff like that... they would probably do ok in a group between 2-4 but although they will mix they seem to be more active with their own kind.
yeah they seem a bit long for my tank and i just love corys for some reason :wub: maybe 2/3 of them then

the WCMM's had some free food about half an hour ago, ive had all my windows open because its so hot which ended up with alot of small fly's ad moths flying around my room which where swatted then flicked onto the water surface, at one point one of the fish had a rather large (for the size of fish) moth in his/her mouth it eventually cleared but after that ive been cutting the larger ones up oh and the fish act like sharks argueing ove bits of half living fly's

i hope its ok to feed them on common midge's and the like ive read that in the summer months some people transfer them to an outdoor pond and they allways return with an abundance of finnage colouring due to the more natural diet of fly larve in the water
hehe they were flashing thier fins at each other swimming deeper and deeper right infront of where a cory was hiding, about an inch from the bottom the corry popped out to see what on earth was going on and they all shot up back to the surface.

i saw a lone minnow in a tank of fancy goldfish at the lfs so i bought him thinking he would be much happier in my little school, unfortunatly he's not in good condition and is currently in the 2 gallon tank in the hope its just stress
hehe they were flashing thier fins at each other swimming deeper and deeper right infront of where a cory was hiding, about an inch from the bottom the corry popped out to see what on earth was going on and they all shot up back to the surface.

i saw a lone minnow in a tank of fancy goldfish at the lfs so i bought him thinking he would be much happier in my little school, unfortunatly he's not in good condition and is currently in the 2 gallon tank in the hope its just stress

What do you mean not in good condition? Is there something physically wrong with him?

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