Some Questions


Fish Fanatic
Jun 5, 2009
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1.Which supplements are better: 'kent' or 'seachem' or 'API'?

2. I'm pretty new to corals (only have a pulsing xenia that's thriving) so what is the hardiest and fastest growing coral out there, that's cheap? If there even is one??

3. Some of the "fingers" of my pulsating xenia are missing on some of its branches. The only colclusion I have is that what's eating it might be a fish or invert, but the only cratures I have in there are: 1 slippery dick wrasse, 1 tomatoe clown, 1 royal gramma, 1 arrow crab, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 large hermit, and 1 small hermit. The xenia is the only coral in the tank. Any help on what's eating at it?
4. And one more question. Every night at 7:30 my xenia coral shrinks up into a ball(?), like when it feels threatened. For the whole night it will do this and shrink up at the same exact time, regardless if the light is on or not. But at 7:00 in the morning it suddenly opens up. Any conclusions?
1.Which supplements are better: 'kent' or 'seachem' or 'API'?

2. I'm pretty new to corals (only have a pulsing xenia that's thriving) so what is the hardiest and fastest growing coral out there, that's cheap? If there even is one??

3. Some of the "fingers" of my pulsating xenia are missing on some of its branches. The only colclusion I have is that what's eating it might be a fish or invert, but the only cratures I have in there are: 1 slippery dick wrasse, 1 tomatoe clown, 1 royal gramma, 1 arrow crab, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 large hermit, and 1 small hermit. The xenia is the only coral in the tank. Any help on what's eating at it?

1. I suppose it depends what you mean by "better" and what supplements in particular you are looking for. For what it's worth, I've always used kent's products and have never been disappointed.

2. What kind of lighting do you have?
Since your xenia appears to be doing well, go with some more softies.
Mushrooms are easily and beautiful and will move and spread fairly quickly. Leathers also, especially colt or kenya tree leathers. All are fairly common and so should not be too expensive.

3. I would suspect the arrow crab over anything else. Most are not technically "Reef Safe". While I am not aware of them bothering corals, they are known for killing feather dusters. Perhaps he's mistaking some of the xenia polyps as such?

I must say, I have never heard of a "Slippery Dick Wrasse" before.
First I had to re-read it, then I laughed, then I googled to make sure you weren't pulling a leg :blush:
i believe green star polyps grow quick as well. the xenia probably came from a place where the sun comes down at 7pm and rises back up at 7am thats why it shrinks up at that time thinking lights off, time to sleep. no worries, my bubble coral does that too.

Have to admit, im an immature kid and the slippery dick wrasse caught me off guard :lol: :lol: :lol:.
Can i just ask why you are supplimenting and what? Jus6 because unless you tank is rammed with hard corals the weekly water changes should be sorting this out for you saving you some money!
For supplements, I use Kent strontium, Kent essential elements, Kent liquid calcium, Kent super-chelated iron, Seachem marine buffer, and Seachem reef compelte calcium supplement.

I use the strontium twice a week, both calcuim supplements 1 time a week, essential elements once a week, iodine 2 times a week, iron once a week, and liquid buffer once every 2 weeks.

The only coral I have is a pulsating xenia coral with 10-12 heads on it.

I change about 1/7 of the water every 2 weeks. I'm not a very firm believer in water changes because I have 2 mangrove buds that grow in the tank, and the nitrates are always at 10 mg/L or less. The phosphates are at 0-1 mg/L. I make sure to trim the leaves and remove the dead ones so that the nitrates don't just go back into the water.
Are you testing for all of these supplements? You should not be adding ANY supplements unless you are testing those params and find them deficient.

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