Some questions about puffers


Fish Fanatic
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
I saw some dwarf puffers in the LFS yesterday and fell in love :wub: I am considering getting one or two and have some questions about puffers in general

1. Is sand substrate a necessity or is gravel ok?
2. Is it worth getting a brine shrimp hatchery to breed brine shrimps for them to feed on?
3. What is the most suitable bottom feeder to go with them or are they reasonably clean and don't need a bottom feeder if I keep the gravel/sand clean myself?
4. Do they inflate themselves often or only when really provoked? I mean, would they inflate themselves when being caught in a net because I wouldn't want to hurt them if I ever needed to move them
5. Are the toxins they can release harmful to humans?
6. Do they need loads of plants or just a few?

Thanks in advance for any help you may give me :thumbs:
1. Is sand substrate a necessity or is gravel ok?
-I have gravel with mine and don't have any problems.

2. Is it worth getting a brine shrimp hatchery to breed brine shrimps for them to feed on?
-I just use store bought stuff, they don't eat that much and one pack can go a long way, but it might be cheaper to breed.

3. What is the most suitable bottom feeder to go with them or are they reasonably clean and don't need a bottom feeder if I keep the gravel/sand clean myself?
-Otos are great and they don't bother my pleco.

4. Do they inflate themselves often or only when really provoked? I mean, would they inflate themselves when being caught in a net because I wouldn't want to hurt them if I ever needed to move them
-Mine haven't inflated, but there are others who would know better than me. Also, if they do inflate it is much more harmful if they are in a net because they will end up inhaling air instead of water.

5. Are the toxins they can release harmful to humans?
-Probably, but you would have to eat them to be harmed.

6. Do they need loads of plants or just a few?
-You'll need plants, caves or anything else to break up their lines of sight so they can establish territories.
I agree with everything that DiVer said with the additional thoughts...

Sand is not necessary, but they seem to prefer it, mine are often seen digging in it looking for escaped bloodworms & snail hatchings.

It's a lot easier to buy brine shrimps than hatch your own, mine also love live bloodworms & daphnia but will eat frozen (thawed) bloodworm too.

Their all time favourite food is snail hatchlings, which is why I have set up a ramshorm breeding tank- my LFS is geeting annoyed at my constant requests for snails.

Snails also help condition the Puffer's teeth and are a vital part of the diet imo.
I would also like to add that brine shrimp are low in nutritional value and should definitely not be a staple food source, but a treat instead.

I also agree with SirMinion in that snails should be a part of their diet.
Snails are essential in keeping the teeth worn down (unless you fancy clipping them).

The toxin that all puffers have (Tetraotoxin) is one of the most potent in nature, but they don't give it off, you'd have to ingest the puffer to be affected. Saying that if you ever have to handle the puffers (clip teeth etc) then wear gloves.

I keep sand in most of my tanks, mainly because I prefer the look of it, if you're feeding trumpet snails then sand is pretty much essential as the snails will burrow in the sand to keep it turned over, then pop out every now and then to give the puffers a nice snack.

Puffers only puff themselves up when very stressed, mine never have as yet, so you don't want to try and force them. Recently lost my rag with one of my other halfs family members the other day when she was banging on the glass trying to get them to puff up.
Never feed trumpet snails to puffers. Their shells are too hard and will break the puffers teeth.

P.S. Whats up jread, I decided to join another forum.
What is the scientific name of ottos? Are they the same as Chinese Algae Eaters?

Otocinclus sp. They are not the same as CAE's, they only get to be 1 or 2 inches.
pufferdude said:
Never feed trumpet snails to puffers. Their shells are too hard and will break the puffers teeth.

P.S. Whats up jread, I decided to join another forum.
Be sure to never post a link to another site on here or they'll throw a big fit about it. My url is completely blocked by them now.
I got 2 dwarf puffers on Wednesday, and 3 otos, and I went back to get the last 4 dwarf puffers in the shop yesterday because I felt sorry for them in the LFS tank, I'll post pictures when I've transferred them from my laptop :wub:
Six dwarfs in an eight gallon tank?

Better make sure it's heavily planted with lots of hiding places or you will have lots of fights on your hands.

Each Puffer will want to stake it's own terretory and will defend it tirelessly.

When feeding, don't let the food fall in a clump as the dominant fish will guard it and not let the others near.

Kudos to you for not wanting to leave the last four behind in the store, you sound as daft as me.. I recently gained a third cory because I couldn't leave it on it's own in the tank in the store. :blink:
You're definitely going to want to get those dwarves a bigger tank in the near future. 6 in an 8-gallon will bring lots of trouble when they get older and grumpier.
They can move into my 15g when I get rid of my guppies and swap over the danios and minnows, if not I might just be forced to get yet another tank........... nevermind!! :p

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