Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Been a loooong time since I've posted anything! So I'll show you guys some of the critters I've aquired since I last posted.
This little dude I got from my cousin. She got him as a hatchling and didn't take very good care of him. He's over a year old and well... look at his size. 72 grams. He's barely grown. His shell is so soft. He's a desert tortoise. Took him to work, got him on some injectable antibiotics for a slight respiratory thing, calcium, and bought him some mercury vapor bulbs. UV! He goes outside daily. I bet the first time he was thinking, "Omg what is this?! It burns it burns!!!! " He had never been outside!!!
My brother named him oZ as in ounce beause he's so small and I named him Michelangelo (Mikey) for short because one day I WILL have the whole gang of ninja turtles I've had him over a month now and he's growing well, eating what he's supposed to (not fruit) and eating like a pig!
The next guy I got from work. He came in with pneumonia & not eating and the woman surrendered him to us not being able to and not wanting to care for him properly. She had a female that had already died. After x-rays we saw that he had a bladder stone about the size of a tennis ball that needed to be removed also. So after a few weeks of tube feeding and antibiotics he was healthy enough for surgery. 3 hours later the stone the size of my fist came out. I'll tell ya... sawing open a tortoises shell... no fun, and not a very 'clean' surgery. Kinda bloody. He was in the newspaper for it and everything. He's a star! He's now living with me, eating and running around happily. He hates my other tortoise though. They can't even look at eachother because it's turns into a death match. My boss named him Stompy and I named him Donatello (Donny). He's about 30.
Here is a picture of Mr. T (Raphael) Just cuz.
It's really hard for me to turn down all these people who come in with tortoises/reptiles at work who want to get rid of them, but I don't have space for them. We get at least 10 tortoises a week coming in the office and majority of them have no idea what they are doing and are surprised when we tell them how big their sulcata is going to get. It's sad . Petstores really need to do a better job. A lot of them are selling sick animals.
These aren't new but they are cute. Dolly loves Stanley Stanley is the guinea pig. He was a work rescue also. (I have no control ) I never leave them alone unsupervised because Dolly could squish him with one wrong move. But she's very gentle and just wants to clean him. Stanley just wants to eat her ears. I'm very fortunate that my animals get along. Stanley likes to stalk my cat lol. He sneaks up behind her and tries to eat her tail. Everything is food . Then she spins around and gives him evil cat eye and walks away and he follows her lol. My basset hound sniffs him and is like, "You aren't a cookie" and walks away. It's great!
This little dude I got from my cousin. She got him as a hatchling and didn't take very good care of him. He's over a year old and well... look at his size. 72 grams. He's barely grown. His shell is so soft. He's a desert tortoise. Took him to work, got him on some injectable antibiotics for a slight respiratory thing, calcium, and bought him some mercury vapor bulbs. UV! He goes outside daily. I bet the first time he was thinking, "Omg what is this?! It burns it burns!!!! " He had never been outside!!!
My brother named him oZ as in ounce beause he's so small and I named him Michelangelo (Mikey) for short because one day I WILL have the whole gang of ninja turtles I've had him over a month now and he's growing well, eating what he's supposed to (not fruit) and eating like a pig!
The next guy I got from work. He came in with pneumonia & not eating and the woman surrendered him to us not being able to and not wanting to care for him properly. She had a female that had already died. After x-rays we saw that he had a bladder stone about the size of a tennis ball that needed to be removed also. So after a few weeks of tube feeding and antibiotics he was healthy enough for surgery. 3 hours later the stone the size of my fist came out. I'll tell ya... sawing open a tortoises shell... no fun, and not a very 'clean' surgery. Kinda bloody. He was in the newspaper for it and everything. He's a star! He's now living with me, eating and running around happily. He hates my other tortoise though. They can't even look at eachother because it's turns into a death match. My boss named him Stompy and I named him Donatello (Donny). He's about 30.
Here is a picture of Mr. T (Raphael) Just cuz.
It's really hard for me to turn down all these people who come in with tortoises/reptiles at work who want to get rid of them, but I don't have space for them. We get at least 10 tortoises a week coming in the office and majority of them have no idea what they are doing and are surprised when we tell them how big their sulcata is going to get. It's sad . Petstores really need to do a better job. A lot of them are selling sick animals.
These aren't new but they are cute. Dolly loves Stanley Stanley is the guinea pig. He was a work rescue also. (I have no control ) I never leave them alone unsupervised because Dolly could squish him with one wrong move. But she's very gentle and just wants to clean him. Stanley just wants to eat her ears. I'm very fortunate that my animals get along. Stanley likes to stalk my cat lol. He sneaks up behind her and tries to eat her tail. Everything is food . Then she spins around and gives him evil cat eye and walks away and he follows her lol. My basset hound sniffs him and is like, "You aren't a cookie" and walks away. It's great!