Some pics of plecs

kaz petts

Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ossett, nr Wakefield, West Yorks England
Here are some of the tank occupants, my guppies and a poor pic of my lyretail molly.

Here is the clearest pic I have to date of part of my tank, you can see a few of the tank occupants along with Hide and Seek my 2 plecs.

Here you can just see one of my 2 dwarf cichlids (I was assured by my lfs that these little guys are not very aggressive and will be ok in a community, this info has not been wrong yet, these guys are quite placid and quite happily swim around with the rest of the fish.

Here is quite a clear pic of my large plec, in the background you can see one of my bleeding heart tetras and near the green plant on the right of the pic you can just about make out one of my 4 otos.

Here is a nice pic of my large plec and my red gourami, the plec and the gourami are roughly the same size.

Sorry about all the pics but I just love to show off my babies, well don't we all.
I'm guessing the ad is where the pics are hosted...

Take a piccy of the tank as a whole and i think you'll get some TOTM nominations!
Very nicely planted ;)
Out of interest can you name these fish as I can't see them very clearly Kaz.

Top Left and Bottom right in the light green plant.

Thanks :)
Hi Ryan.
Thought it said on the actual pic but must have been mistaken.
Top left is a female guppy with a yellow and black tail.
and bottom right is a dwarf Cichlid which I have 2 of.
I was assured by my lfs that they will be ok in the community as they are not very aggressive, I have to admit I kind of took a chance with this one but my lfs has proved to be correct so far.
They are quite nice fish. I fed them all the other day on frozen blood worm by hand and both the Cichlids came up to the cube and carfully nibbled some of the blood worm off the block. They were then chased away, none aggressivly I hasten to add, by Sinatra the Betta.
P.S, new tank pics are now up on the board.
I thought the bottom right pic looked like some kind of Dwarf Cichlid, maybe an Apistogramma?
:lol: ok, If you could get a close up I could probably ID it for you. :)

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