Some pics of my pond

Phunky Vicar

New Member
Sep 17, 2004
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Bermondsey London
a few pics of the pond,The 3rd pond ive had. containing 10 koi,& a few goldfish







this is how the gdn used to look


& now

Nice pond ,you have a lot of big koi there :thumbs:

What size is the pond and how deep?
nice setup!!

(oh, and by the way, i can't decide whether to be offended by your avatar, or just die laughing at it :lol: )
Its longer than ours, mines about 8ft by 7ft . In middle its about 4ft deep,I want a bigger one and more fish now. :thumbs:
you don't happen to have shots of the process to build it and whatnot do you? see, i live in a second floor condo, and while we have a huge patio, that could fit some sort of small pond setup like this on one end, i have no idea how to go about setting up something like. would love to see your process.
If i had my way,the whole back garden would be a pond :D :D

It'll do for another year or so.The first pond i built was only a small one,3½' x 2' x 2.
The second pond was 6' x 3' x 2½',but that had a leak,& couldnt find where :(.& thought while i was paving the garden,i'd build a bigger one.
Lovley Pond and Koi.

Where you get those Gifs, they are Funny
You could fit a big one in that garden vicar :thumbs:

Mam you could buy a preformed pond a small one ,build a large planter then put it in that,get a pump fitted !!

You can sit outside and watch the fish :thumbs:

Or just build a planter and put a liner in a bit cheaper.
psgill00,those Gifs i made a few years ago with a paint program :p ,,

MAM,sorry all the pictures i had of the build have been lost :-( , i stored them on an file storage site,that suddenly dissapeared :angry: ..

I basiclly dug down 1½',filled the base with 3" hardcore (rubble),with a 3" concrete base on top of that.
The brick work is only one course wide,rendered with ½" concrete.I didnt set out a plan for it,just built it up in my mind,as i had an idea what i wanted.

The bit on the end with the flowers was built a few months after the pond,as i installed another filter,& needed to hide it somewhere,& the wife wanted a few flower's
Very nice pond, looks full of healthy fish. :thumbs:

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