Some Pics Of My New Shrimp


Fish Addict
Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
Leicester, UK
I've set up my little tank again and have just got a few bumblebee shrimp from an LFS, thought I would share some pics.

Tank Shot from January:




Size tank?
It looks great! :) If only they sold bumblebee's near me. And CRS ):
i have learned from a well trusted website haha that different 'types' of RCS or bee shrimp can alter prices. There have been RCS sold for as high as $1200 apparently. Well, how to know if you have a nice bee shrimp is by telling how much white it has or if there is good distribution of colors. OR if your really lucky, you may get a really white shrimp with a good distrubution of red that can make it look like a 'flower'.

It's all in this link right here, check it out - Crystal Red Shrimp Grading

hope it helps, nice tank btw :)
Thanks everybody.

Kevin - Its a 35 litre tank, about 7 gallons.

iSnail - I've got everything crossed for them this time

Milkton - These are a different species to CRS but just as good to keep! They don't have the vivid red colours but are generally brown to black in colour.
Also RCS and CRS are two different shrimp... RCS is normally an abreiviation for Red Cherry Shrimp and CRS Crystal Red Shrimp.
OH REALLY HAHA i thoought RCS was red crystal shrimp HAHA.

my bad
great pics of your bumble bees i sadly lost mine along with a cherry shrimp and a amano ... RIP little guys after adding a new plant from a lfs that turned out to use copper wash for treating plants, but cant wait to get some more mine loved the catfish pellet it would carry it around the tank for ages.

good luck with yours hope they grow with you x

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