Some Pics Of Damon The Red Devil


Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2012
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I managed to take some better pics today, what do you think of my new monster? :)




More to follow later :)
Yep not yet a monster, hes 7" but very shy, can't wait for him to pack on weight, any recommendations on what to feed him (i feed him hikaris so far...although hes not really eating at the mo) to get him nice and thick/deep bodied? he's very slim right now, definitely a Labiatum or a very Labiatum looking 'Midevil'
doramin thats what i used to feed my jags midas dovii also i used to feed whitebait, prawns aswell
I can't get him to eat anything yet...early days i spose.
Nice fish, looks more like a Midas to me. Although most of them now are hybrids of Labiatus/Citrinellus. I have six growing on at the moment. Also are you positive it is a male? The reason I ask is that I bought one at roughly the same size as yours, and it had all the traits of a male, long fins slight nuchal hump and even had what looked like male genitalia (small and pointed) So imagine my surprise to come back home one day to find her guarding a huge batch of eggs. She was the only fish in the tank so no mistake on my part, other than thinking she was a he. I have since moved her onto a friend, who has a gentle male, and I am now raising some more. They are only around two inches atm. As for feeding, they usually eat anything, but if after a while you get concerned, try a fresh earthworm. There's not many cichlids I have had that can resist a juicy earthworm. But if you have just got him, give him plenty of time to settle and he will be fine.
The shop i bought him from said he was a male because he kept beating on his female when they were breeding.

It used to be someone who worked in the shops fish.

regarding the Midas/Devil question, i read a few guides on them, most say Devils have a 'V' shaped face when you look from above and Midas have a 'U', Damons face is very thin and 'V' shaped, also the lips on devils tend to go away in captivity, so can't really tell from them.

Either way, hes a wicked fish :) I plan on devoting my 4ft tank to him long term, im sick of community's etc after keeping them for the last 11 years and want just a wet pet :)

It was a choice between him and a Buttikoferi, the shop had a 12" Butti for sale to, but chose the devil as i have never seen one in real life before, wheras Buttis are common around here :p
Very nice ! As you say, definately a "labiatum-looking midevil". Who knows these days unless they are from known stock.

I'm assuming he's got some nice substrate to dig in ! Most of them do love a good dig.

As for feeding, just persevere. Keep the lights low or off until he's settled in. Looks like he's got plenty of cover should he want it in the tank. If possible, find out from the shop/previous owner what he used to like the best. He'll get there. They certainly can take a little while to settle in sometimes though. Only if he's still not eating at all after a week or two then start to get a bit concerned.
Thanks for your feedback, his tank is a deep bed of crushed coral sand and pebbles and a large piece of ocean rock (used to be a malawi/ca mixed tank)
Great looking fish there, My hubby (bless him) likes it too, he thought is was a red texas (texas is the only fish he recognises) and he said why dont we have one like that :rolleyes: :lol:
They really are fantastic wet pets. Dare I say even better than Oscars (don't flame me I love O's too) Any of the Amphilophus complex are great fish. Your Hubby will love one Star. HGS, I thought your fish looked more Midas as it looked to me to have a wider snout than the one in my avatar. Nevermind either way, they are great. So good luck with him. I must get a few pics of my little ones.
i love the midas i had in my tank lovely colours but just wanst enough to keep him and he was on the wimpy side
If it could live happily with the texas he could have one :lol:
mine was tame enough in my tank infact it hid most of the time hence the reason for parting with him wasnt fair on the poor fish

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