Some People Really Shouldnt Keep Fish!


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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I have been looking on youtube at tanks with Jack Dempsey's in. I have been given a Jd by a friend because it was getting harrassed in his tank. I wanted to check how they behaved in the tank because I wanted to make sure the one I had was ok movement wise. (he likes to hover around in one area, which looks fairly normal) However I was just clicking on the videos of JD's without really looking at the titles when I found myself watching a sickening clip of someone feeding a live mouse to a JD, not only completely cruel and unnecessary, but the damage to the mouth and throat of the fish that could be caused by the mouse biting and frantically scratching with its claws, not to mention the horrific cruel suffering inflicted on the mouse.
I have been looking on youtube at tanks with Jack Dempsey's in. I have been given a Jd by a friend because it was getting harrassed in his tank. I wanted to check how they behaved in the tank because I wanted to make sure the one I had was ok movement wise. (he likes to hover around in one area, which looks fairly normal) However I was just clicking on the videos of JD's without really looking at the titles when I found myself watching a sickening clip of someone feeding a live mouse to a JD, not only completely cruel and unnecessary, but the damage to the mouth and throat of the fish that could be caused by the mouse biting and frantically scratching with its claws, not to mention the horrific cruel suffering inflicted on the mouse.

I have seen that with piranhas.
Really not pleasant.
Some people have no heart and are just plain cruel. I believe what you give out you get back - well lets hope so anyway. Its a sad world with a lot of nasty people in it. :no:
and it doesnt just stop at fish unfortunately.
you can flag the videos as animal cruelty and generally youtube will remove them
I say let these idiots go for a swim with a great white and let them see how it feels.
I have watched such videos out of interest and found some of the ways the fish attack to be quite ferocious making an interesting watch. However I personally would not do it or recommend anyone else to.

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