some people grrrrr!


Fish Crazy
Apr 2, 2003
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Kelowna B.C.
ok i have a little story. I was in this small town outside of my city and i checked out the lfs there. The fish section was horrible. The tanks were 5 gallons each and housed like 40 fish per tank. Also there were a wide selection of dyed fish :crazy: supposedly the guy was just feeding them "special dyed food" as he called it.That isnt the worst part. He had a 15 gallon tank(that obviously hasnt't been cleaned or a water change in ages. In the tank he had two huge red oscars almost a foot long and 4 plecos. I offered to take them away form him for cheap because they were obviously not happy and stressed. THe fish could barely even move :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: I don't know much about the species but i think he was totalyly over feeding them. He was bragging that he fed the fish 10 feeder goldfish per day. Why are some people just f*#@*)$ any other horrible stories and lets see how many idiots there are.
To many many stories to post on just one forum anyway!!!

So did you get the oscar's ?

Now you see what the painted fish look like :grr: , I'm pretty sure the guy is full of S##t, feeding them "Special dyed food" would dye the water rather than the fish IMO....or they would have brightly colored poop. :lol:
no i couldnt get them beacuse i dont have a tank setup for them. I only have an extra ten gallon. I asked what food he fed tem and he wouldnt tell me he kept beating around the bush.

" there not injected with dye no no no. I just feed them a special pigment enhancing food."
"really what type of food is it, do you have any?"
"ahh not for sale its special from the breeders and i don't have any more"

but i have to admit those oscars looked sweet!
I wish I had another tank so i cold ssave those poor oscars. I don;t think my community fishies would enjoy there company :p :p
Report him, he's obviously keeping the fish in unsuitable conditions. Over here in the UK he'd get hammered for that by the authorities and most likely closed down if conditions weren't improved.... :sly:
I'm not sure what they would do over here in Canada, who do you report this stuff to?
SPCA would be very interrested, I'm pretty sure they keep a close eye on the pet stores here in Calgary.

...If he is using "Color enhancing flakes" they are available in any Pet store/Walmart etc. If the fish are dyed fish (Fruitloop tetras, Stained Glass catfish etc) don't buy them, as it just encourages labs to create more.

Did you hear about the lady in boston who rented an apartment just to beed the "perfect Persian"? She had hypodermic needles, dead cats, frozen cadavers of cats, starving cats and dogs and of course never bothered to clean up the waste of these poor animals.

So many people have no business in the pet industry. The Super Stores especially bother me with their expensive systems totally mishandled by untrained kids.
THis lady that lived next to one of my relatives (Besides being the bigges mooch in the world) had over 150 cats in a 1000 square foot way is it even possible she kept up with them, she would always bee over at my relatives house using thier washer/dryier, eating thier food etc etc, why they let them i dont know but thats thier busienss...anyway i guess last week they evicted her, made the paper...some people.... :-(
Pufferpack said:
SPCA would be very interrested, I'm pretty sure they keep a close eye on the pet stores here in Calgary.

...If he is using "Color enhancing flakes" they are available in any Pet store/Walmart etc. If the fish are dyed fish (Fruitloop tetras, Stained Glass catfish etc) don't buy them, as it just encourages labs to create more.

puffer pack your so right if any of you see fish being kept in bad condition dont buy them even out of sympathy for the fish they will just put three more oscars in that tank thinking "oo we can shift a load more of thease, lets fill the tank right the way to the top with fish" ive been to loads of pet shops where they keep animals in bad conditions. normally the tanks can be slightly smaller as the fish are baught and sold while young. this guy perhaps is not very knowledgeble about fish is maybee going on very out of date information from the 30's or something.
I just saw that on the news a while back. I think it was in lansing? no. The authorities who were cleaning up the mess kept coming out and hurling all over the place.

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