Fish Crazy
ok i have a little story. I was in this small town outside of my city and i checked out the lfs there. The fish section was horrible. The tanks were 5 gallons each and housed like 40 fish per tank. Also there were a wide selection of dyed fish
supposedly the guy was just feeding them "special dyed food" as he called it.That isnt the worst part. He had a 15 gallon tank(that obviously hasnt't been cleaned or a water change in ages. In the tank he had two huge red oscars almost a foot long and 4 plecos. I offered to take them away form him for cheap because they were obviously not happy and stressed. THe fish could barely even move
I don't know much about the species but i think he was totalyly over feeding them. He was bragging that he fed the fish 10 feeder goldfish per day. Why are some people just f*#@*)$ any other horrible stories and lets see how many idiots there are.