Some ? On Rubber Eels


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Hudson, Wisconsin USA
I was visiting a fish store in the cities today and was very suprised to see a few rubber eels there. I am very fond of these guys and have not seen them for a couple years, but I remember having them when I was a kid. So, now I'm wondering if one would be compatile in my 55 gal. with 3 adult boeseami rainbow fish, 10 rummy nosed tetras, and a german blue ram? If so how many gallons would it take up?

I keep two Typhlonectes natans, they are easy to keep, they like a slightly acidic ph, sand substrate, temperature around 26-30c (mine are 26c) and will eat live earthworms, maggots, pre-frozen bloodworm, tubifix worm etc.. I keep my ones with Cardinal Tetras, the Tetra's seem to be doing ok, but they may attack larger Fish, like the rainbows.

Im not up on litres/gallons etc.. for tanks, but a 2.5ft x 1.5 foot x 1ft tall aquarium would be fine for a couple, also according to a post on 20g per 3 Caecilian's is fine.
Also I've hear these guys are messy,so how big of load will will one put on the biofilter, they were about 10" long?

Thanks Mikaila31

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