Some of my Angels P, F1, and just starting F2 Generations


Fish Herder
Jan 26, 2021
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Nanaimo, BC
Not that familiar with Angelfish genetics but here is a start. Feel free to correct anything I got wrong.


Ben (Male P):

I believe Ben to be essentially a Silver but I suspect with an S/+ at the Stripeless Locus. Ben is a relatively gentle fish "Gentle Ben" is his full name. I do wonder if Ben might have some Z, or zebra but the F1 generation did not show any examples of this, perhaps on the F2 generation coming up.

Bluet (Female P):

Bluet is Ben's mate. I suspect her genetics include (+/a, pb/pb, Sm/+) Albino, Philippine Blue, and Smokey. I suspect Albino because I got about 10 albinos in an F1XF1 cross from her. You will see a growth on Ben's nose I don't know what it is but he has had it for about 2 or 3 years now.


Junior (Male F1):

Junior is the first angel fry I ever raised to adulthood. He was the only survivor of the 2nd batch of fry, and I almost threw him out, found the one fry that survived and placed him in with a small tank I was experimenting with. While still a juvenile he broke off his pelvic? fins and they grew back with a bend. I expect he would be classed as a Blue Silver, he has been getting bluer lately.

Goldilocks (F1 Smoke)

Goldilocks 2.JPG

On again off again mate for Junior. I believe her to be a Smoke, but she has a lot of iridescence which is noticeable in certain lighting, Blue in her? She is more gentle than some of the others. I really like the red eye color which wasn't very common in the F1s.

The F2s:

Wasn't intending on breeding an F2 batch of fry but Benita, an F1 female with exceptional silver markings had just breed with Junior above, swam into the gravel cleaner and was badly damaged to the point I had to euthanize her. I was cleaning the tank when I got a call on the phone, and that was when she swam into the siphon, normally it wouldn't be strong enough to damage her but the ball valve on the siphon was damaged and I removed it earlier, the resulting siphon was much more powerful.

Back to the point I was hoping that I would be able to get another very good silver from the F2 with Benita so I decided to try an raise the eggs and fry in a 10 gallon tank because they will not survive in the community tank.

F2 Albino.JPG

This is a horrible picture but it is one of the Albinos found in the F2. It is not very robust compared to the other F2s, I have approximately 10% of these, many just died particularly after becoming free swimming.

F2 Silver.JPG

I believe this one will become a wild type silver. F2 generation. Taken the same day as the F2 Albino. I expect it has 4 or 5 times the mass of the albino.

I welcome any comments about the types of angels, and their possible genetics. The parents were just locally sourced, I like the looks of these, angels. The F1 generation did not have any noticeable deformities, but I have already seen in the F2 generation at least one fry with a twisted spine.
@itiwhetu I am on the lookout for the book, but in the meantime does the genes I suggested for the parents make any sense?
Sourced the book mentioned. Printed in 1979 and going for only 113 dollars cdn. I think I will wait.
I actually found it for $59.00 US on one site, it does seem to be a collectors piece. I will have to check with my Uncle or my Dad they might have a copy, though theirs would likely be in German which would make it much harder for me. I also wonder some gene locus points seem to have come about since this book was published.

I have been using and sites for the attempt I have been using to discover the parents genome.

I used a combination of this book and "swordtails...... for the advanced hobbyist". When I line bred Black Angels back in the 70's
Right now the genetics are mostly just something interesting but I have noticed that I now have much better Angels overall since most I have breed myself, primarily because I sent the ones I don't like to the LFS. Once you get into the routine its not that much extra work, unfortunately though it means I now have to establish another larger tank to grow the current batch out.
Remember as you go done a track of breeding always keep some wild type available to breed back into the line you are working on, that increases the strength of the gene pool. In the case of Angels that is "Zebra". In the case of swordtails, it is "green".
Personally I prefer the wild type and looking for some individuals that I can use with my current batch, good ones are hard to find around here, though I might try to see about joining a local club and see I can make some contacts that way. I prefer fish that are strong and robust and it seems to me that the wild type fits the bill there.
Personally I prefer the wild type and looking for some individuals that I can use with my current batch, good ones are hard to find around here, though I might try to see about joining a local club and see I can make some contacts that way. I prefer fish that are strong and robust and it seems to me that the wild type fits the bill there.
One of the things I did when younger was, bred red swordtails back to green, my girlfriend at the time bred yellow canaries back to green as well. So, I know where you are coming from.
Wow they are beautiful Angels and to get albinos in a batch is great.

Isn't F1 and F2 not refered to in case of offspring of wild caught fish ? F1 the first batch of wikd parents and F2 offspring of that batch?

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