Some New Pics Of Old Fish, A New Fish, And


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
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Birmingham, AL
Ok, here are some new pictures of the 4 girls I got from Kelly Back in July...


"oh here she comes with that flashy thing again..HIDE!!!"

"huh? What in the world are you doing Mai?"

"Mai, what ARE you doing over there?"

"forget them....this is my good side mom, right?"


My friend Amelia hasn't had a fish in a while, since both of her HM's died, so she let me borrow 2 of her tanks til I got my KK's; so in thanks I bought her this very pretty VT from Walmart, back at the first of October (yeah I've been lazy and haven't DL'd the pics lol).

This is Peet, which is Thai for peach.....






Ok now for the problem...

Mai has 2 lumps on her and she's kinda staying on the bottom more then normal...all of them are generally VERY active, but she's not as active as she was last week.

I just noticed this today, when I stuck my face down next to the tank, from a foot away you can't see this.

She has one on her left side, close to her fin, and another on her right side right above her gill, behind and above her eye.

It's hard to see in pictures, because of her coloring, but it's there.

This shows both lumps (RF and LR)

This shows the RF lump

Front shot, can't tell much unless you REALLY really look

What do you think this is? None of the other 3 have anything similar..I've went over them with a fine tooth comb (well not literally, but you know..).
I see that. Hmmm, my first suspect is a parasite. Gah, I can't remember what they're called as I've just woke up (I was without internet for a day Jennie :( Good thing it was Halloween because "no internet and no cable makes Kelly go something....something") Anyway, it forms a pimple and then bursts through at the labyrinth oragan area BUT I've only seen this on gouramis BUT one of the wilds, a changrai, from the show came in with two nodules like this, too, and they went away with no treatment.
You might want to remove her from the rest of the pack and watch her for a day. I'll search around in a bit and see if I can come up with a name.
Thanks Kelly. I will just swap her with one of the guys in a KK to get her isolated til I hear back from you on this.

I'm just wondering how she got this parasite...since there have been no new additions to the tank in months :/.
Hey, I have a Pao too :) Although yours is much more Pao-y than mine :p And I've got some of the same fake plants too :p Hehehe... apart from parasites, I'd guess tumors for the lumps, but since she's less active I'd agree with parasites probably.
Ok, I may be completely off, and it seems the old link that I had bookmarked has disappeared -_- But, the name is
And here is a link,

It's plant/fungal oriented. But again, this may not be what she has at all. It was just the first thing I thought of. You might have better luck searching around for more information on it.
lol 2 Pao's would indeed better then 1 I would suppose ;). lol You get yours from ThatPetPlace too? I love that place (well duh, huh lol).

I dunno Kelly...that mentions it comes from soil, water, plants...and this is a bare bottom, fake planted, water changed 75% every 2 weeks tank...if that's what it is..I wonder where it came from :(.

lol hopefully not from the water..cas I drink the water here too :crazy: .

She's definately not feeling well....she's currently resting on the bottom right now, but if I roll over there she swims up to greet me happily. And there has been (so far) no loss of appetite.

This is a stumper...I've been looking but the only thing I come up with is tumor, but you think that it woudl have popped up so fast if it was tumors?

All the badness aside...

What do y'all think of Peet? I thought he was just neet-o looking...and his tail is so super-duper long and pointy lol. he was all shy at first, but now when you walk up to his tank he will just flare*flare*flare's so cute.
He's adorable! He reminds me of my Berlioz. A walmart betta with the same red on his celophane tail. But mine's more yellow with black outlines on his tails. Sometimes there just something so pretty about that generic veil tail betta. And good luck with your female too. I hope it's treatable!
I doublt it would be a tumor cause they're like paralel to eachother on each side arent they? hope shes ok! beautiful walmart betta i have one just like him but his body is all cellophane no peach and the celophane is a bit more pinkythan Peet. :D

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