Some New Pics Of A Few Of Our Tanks

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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gone a bit snap happy tonight, few pics for you all :D

biggest first, Oscar's 80g

just been experimenting with planting and miraculously Oscar seems to be leaving them all alone, so we're developing this tank, I actually really like the simple planting scheme of amazon swords, java fern and a bit of moss.


just to show off, look at the size of this sword!!


oscar and polly, the oscar and parrot fish for those that don't know, they've been together since babies and are absolutely thick as thieves


few more of oscar, he's a little washed out cos we did big water changes today and he's sulking! :rolleyes:



and polly


and spot our synodontis, he was very cunningly hiding behind the wood but didn't realise I could see him in the reflection :hey:


now the salty side of life, our new marine tank, been having a few issues (really long thread linked in my sig if you wanna know the in's and out's) but we're finally getting on top of it and I'm really pleased

full tank shots



yellow fiji leather, and mushrooms


mushrooms and ummmm...... algae :unsure:


acropora, candy cane and sponge



now my fave tank at the moment, I call this

'look I got plants to grow!!!!'

low tech planted, got decentish lighting, about 2wpg with 1 standard tube that came with the tank and one decent arcadia plant one. will upgrade the other at some point but it's not a priority and we're skint

using flourish, flourish excel, flourish iron and flourish root tabs. a lot less work that that lot sounds though, the tabs only need replacing once every 3 months and I just dose flourish and flourish iron weekly after water changes, then 1ml of flourish excel every morning.

just occupied by binky, my little betta. excuse his slightly tatty fins, he caught himself the other week, we're treating to help him get back to full health, he'll be reet soon though!




that's all for now, thankyou for looking! :D
What? No pictures of Ian's toes peeking out of a holey sock? Tsk tsk. I expect more from you Miss Wiggle!


I kid, I kid.

Lovely tanks!!! The planted oscar tank looks promising! Here's to hoping he won't make a salad out of them :lol:

ha ha no, he kept hiding under his blanky when i went to take the pics :rolleyes:

aye, i'm amazed he's not touching them but we'll just have to give it time, been like that 3/4 weeks now though so i guess if he wanna gonna then he'd have done it by now. now we 'know' he won't we can experiment a little with how we want the tank to look.

thanks anyway :D
Great pics Miss Wiggle and your tanks look amazing. :)
Binky is a cutie, hope he gets betta soon.
nice pics :D

the oscar tank looks great and its good to see the marine tank finally underway.

is ian in his new job?


he's in A job as of this morning (at last!), not the one at the fish store though, the owner's really disorganised and you have to get someone to badger him 24/7 for him to ring people back, which would be fine cos our mate's the manager..... but he's in bother at work so isn't in any position to badger him for us so it's just not moving. :rolleyes: :/
Tanks look great guys. Love that big acro and the nice candycane, they look great :D
thanks Ski :D we love our acro too!

the betta tank is just under 8 us gallons. nice and roomy for mr Binky! :D
:drool: Gorgeous tanks. Those fish are incredible and you've done a great job on them all. Great pics.

What no pics of my tanks???

Damn you woma

FKNM said:
What? No pictures of Ian's toes peeking out of a holey sock? Tsk tsk. I expect more from you Miss Wiggle!

I`ll never live that down will i?
What no pics of my tanks???

Damn you woma

FKNM said:
What? No pictures of Ian's toes peeking out of a holey sock? Tsk tsk. I expect more from you Miss Wiggle!

I`ll never live that down will i?

no cos i didn't know if you'd want me to post pics of your planted tank as it's still a work in progress, and you were fast asleep snoring so i'd have had to wake you up to get to rincewind's tank :rolleyes:

there's a few pics of the big tank in my pics folder on the pc if you wanna post em :good:

and no you won't, not if i have anything to do with it anyway :hey:

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