some new fish


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
plymouth, uk
my black ghost knife fish


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they are small at the moment they are about 2-3 inches but so i have been told they can reach up to 10 inches i have to look for some more info on these guys.
ozzy47 said:
they can reach up to 10 inches i have to look for some more info on these guys.
i think its a bit more then 10? i dont know i know clow knifes for 40 inches, whoa, that could eat a baby!!! lol

what plant is he on?
i have to confess i cannot remember the anme of the plant but i am going to my lfs tomorrow so i will check it out for u
Apteronotus albifrons
Common Names: Black Ghost Knifefish
Synonyms: Gymnotus albifrons
Sternarchus albifrons
Family: Apteronotidae
Origin: South America.
Main Ecosystem: River
Temperament: Sometimes aggressive.
Diet: Carnivore
Care: Feed with small flakes and small live fish. Add plants. The Black Ghost Knifefish is timid and nocturnal. Can be kept with large, peacful fish. A large tank is needed.

pH: 6.0 - 8.0

Temperature: 23°C - 28°C
(73°F - 82°F)

Hardness: 5.0°dH - 20.0°dH

Potential Size: 50cm (19.7")
Water Region: Bottom
Activity: Nocturnal
Breeding: Has been commercially breed in Asia and Australia. Details are sketchy.
Gender: Cannot be determined from external features.
LifeSpan: 20 years
Comments: The Black Ghost Knifefish has a weak electrical organ. Grows slowly and lives for more than 15 years.

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