Some New Additions


Fish Fanatic
Apr 28, 2013
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Just thought I'd share a few pics if the gold rams we added to our 55 gal.
The male (we think)



The female (we think)

Not exactly sure about the genders, the one we think is male has a pointed dorsal fin and more coloring on his face whereas the female has a rounded fin and a slight pink hue to her belly.

Here's a lil bonus pic of our diamond tetra (we have 12) only pic of one if them we've ever got in focus, the lil buggers are so fast!
Nice rams.
Tetras are indeed a pain to get shots of. My best have all been photobombs of other fish.
Nice additions though both rams look female to me
They both look identical to my definite female.
My old male(he died recently for unknown reasons)

(Please ignore the debris on his dorsal XD He liked to drag it across the bottom of the wood and get bits stuck to ti. Not an infection)
My female - Still have her


best picture I have of her unfortunately. The male posed for pictures, the female just wanted feeding or to hide
Wow he's a beautiful fish. Our are still less than 1" long, I'll try to get closer pics of them, but even I'd they're both female that's fine with me
FreshwaterAfishianado said:
Wow he's a beautiful fish. Our are still less than 1" long, I'll try to get closer pics of them, but even I'd they're both female that's fine with me
Two females will get on anyway

Edit: Btw, my pair were just about 1 inch long lol.
Thanks :) right now they're in our 55, my wife wants to setup the 30gal we have sitting in a closet, she picked them out. She also wants to get 1 or 2 GBRs for the tank, how many do you think could comfortably live in a 30? I believe the footprint is 12"x36". We don't plan on moving them until the 30 is fully cycled and setup so it'll be a little while still.
FreshwaterAfishianado said:
right now they're in our 55, my wife wants to setup the 30gal we have sitting in a closet, she picked them out. She also wants to get 1 or 2 GBRs for the tank, how many do you think could comfortably live in a 30? I believe the footprint is 12"x36". We don't plan on moving them until the 30 is fully cycled and setup so it'll be a little while still.
I'm not sure, I'd say just 2 pairs or something along those lines anyway. Do you mean 36x12in(90x30cm) - LxW? Not 12x36in(30x90cm) - LxW? Sorry that's just how I read it :lol:
Lol sorry yes its 36" wide if viewed from the front, though I guess it could be turned either way :)
FreshwaterAfishianado said:
Lol sorry yes its 36" wide if viewed from the front, though I guess it could be turned either way
Would be an odd tank if it was :lol:
Well a little update, I guess the question of gender for my rams has been solved as they spawned today. Just thought I'd share a pic
Lol yeah he's colored up a lot since we first got them. To be fair I don't think my camera on my phone does him justice, he has some great red coloration on his face and fins and a lot of reflective scales in his flanks that just don't show in the pics
FreshwaterAfishianado said:
Lol yeah he's colored up a lot since we first got them. To be fair I don't think my camera on my phone does him justice, he has some great red coloration on his face and fins and a lot of reflective scales in his flanks that just don't show in the pics
Yeah, sounds nice :) I lost my male ram unfortunately :( My poor female is alone now.

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