Some More Question About...


Fish Fanatic
Nov 9, 2005
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Hi everyone,
fish tank water volume: 24"x 15"x 15", leave 3 inches high in case they jump up. 7 zebra danio 1 leopard danio and 2 peppered corys

When I woke up at this morning, I realised the only leopard danio inside my 15 gallon tank having something wrong with her... the upper lip area are covered in dark red colour (I assume the skin peeled off around that area?) I don't know and understand why she's like that :-( ... She was in good condition yesterday and had been good since the first day I've bought her (nearly 2 weeks now). Any chances of being bullied or anything that make the part of skin peeled off? She is hiding a lot and if I approch to the fish tank, she swim very fast around the tank and finding places to hide.... she burried her head under some anubias leaves for now....

I am treating my whole tank against white spots on 4th day now. Seems no more white spots on their bodies and fins (as far as I can tell). I am afriad the leopard danio will get sick more easily since her condition right now :( ....

May I ask if peppered cory lower part body' colors are orange to pinkish? lower part body = area around tummy...


Since she was so frighten of being chased and found by other danios (as well as shadows of ours), I haven't been opened any lights around the fish tank. I hope she will be fine, if not at least hopefully all danio was sleeping so she can take some rest and have some healing times for her wounds... no lights for plants today...

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