Some More Pics Of My Gold Boy


Fish Herder
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
west lothian, scotland
a few more pics of my gold/butterscotch male i pcked up last week, hes a tricky boy to photograph, he so hyper active. i had to use the shutterspeen function on my camera which ment it looks like there is no light but the tabk is brightly lit.

now.. he is obviously a pk, but could he be a HMPK? his dorsal is large and the rays in his tail branch into 3, so his tail is not fully doveloped yet. the chunk on the top of his tail likely wont ever grow back, and this seems to cause flaring problems, his tail looks so small when he flares, its kinda cute, lol. but yeah.. could he be a HMPK?

in case you wonder about the fat tummy, he had just had a big meal of bloodworms


lol i went a bit snap happy


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i'm not an expert, but as i understand it to be a halfmoon they need to have 8 ray extensions, but if he has 3 already then he is at least a delta/superdelta type pk. you will probably have to wait and see what develops, even if it never looks fully half moon due to the missing bit the rays will tell you what you need to know. if he is then what a bargain eh!

p.s he is really sexy! great find whatever he is :D
i'm not an expert, but as i understand it to be a halfmoon they need to have 8 ray extensions, but if he has 3 already then he is at least a delta/superdelta type pk. you will probably have to wait and see what develops, even if it never looks fully half moon due to the missing bit the rays will tell you what you need to know. if he is then what a bargain eh!

p.s he is really sexy! great find whatever he is :D

had a look on aquabid and there are alot of hmpk with only 4 ray branching, so you never know :good:

he was the best find ive had in a long while!
That's a lovely pineapple you got there, bless him
a few more pics of my gold/butterscotch male i pcked up last week, hes a tricky boy to photograph, he so hyper active. i had to use the shutterspeen function on my camera which ment it looks like there is no light but the tabk is brightly lit.

now.. he is obviously a pk, but could he be a HMPK? his dorsal is large and the rays in his tail branch into 3, so his tail is not fully doveloped yet. the chunk on the top of his tail likely wont ever grow back, and this seems to cause flaring problems, his tail looks so small when he flares, its kinda cute, lol. but yeah.. could he be a HMPK?

in case you wonder about the fat tummy, he had just had a big meal of bloodworms


lol i went a bit snap happy
Look how his caudal edges curve in, a hmpk would have straight caudal edges that taper out a bit, this is required to be considered a HMPK no your boys just a traditional PK, but hes gorgeous!!
pretty.. i saw several vt males in my lfs that looked like him... i wanted to buy them but i have no room for them currently.. ::sad face:: i was going to buy a gold female for him to ...

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