It's a 55 Gallon (U.S.) fish tank.
It has 4 Festivums, 6 Clown Loaches, 6 Harlequin Rasboras, 2 Geophagus Jurapari, 4 Bleeding Heart Tetras, 6 Tiger Barbs, 2 Pearl Gouramies, & 3 Neon Blue Rainbow.
I know it's kind of overstocked atm
, but I'm running 2 AquaClear 110's & weekly changes on it and looking to purchased a larger tank for the loaches in the future
, but for the moment this should do. (I heard the Geophagus Jurapari gets rather large also
, got them free from a friend
, but for now their still small
I'll try to get a full tank shot in a bit.
Edit - Here you got, alot more pics =O