Some More Giant Pix


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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His Fins are still growing, But as you can see They are a bit weird.

His Anal and Tail Fin are joined, His fins don't have seperate sections. Hope that makes Sense.

That little Fin on its own is joined and he flares it with his tail Fin.

Anyone else seen this on Bettas

Or is it a Trait of the Giants.
this is his best nest yet, the females are Plumping up
1 Of the Females
Not to piss anyone off, but it is kind of frustrating for those of us who have never seen giants to see pics of giants without a frame of reference for size - such as maybe having it pictured with a neon tetra in the tank or next to a quarter or a dollar bill for scale.
lol... yea i donno how big these 'giants' are.... i got a couple pretty big females but i donno if theyre 'giants'.. they like 5inches... that male doesnt look thaaat big :X but it is hard to tell without some sort of scale
ok will take some comparison pix and post later.

Sorry, He is not a True Giant - He is a Libby Giant - A Half Breed - But he is a Still a Giant anyway, Comapred to most bettas I have Seen.

To Put some Comparison into Perspective. IF you Remember Emerhald(RIP), He is Bigger than him but Thicker and a Larger Head.

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