Some More Fish


New Member
Feb 29, 2004
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Germany (but English)
I want some more fish but I don't know which type to get. I don't know much about what types of fish can go in the same tank so I'm asking for some help. I have 2 goldfish so if you have any ideas what types of other fish I can put in the same tank then please, please let me know. :fish:
you could always get some other varieties of goldfish to go in the tank with the ones you already have (black moors, veiltils, Fantails, shubumpkins). They all require the same kind of care as regular goldfish and come in various colour varieties (especially the shubumpkins)
SophieS said:
I want some more fish but I don't know which type to get. I don't know much about what types of fish can go in the same tank so I'm asking for some help. I have 2 goldfish so if you have any ideas what types of other fish I can put in the same tank then please, please let me know. :fish:
What size is your tank?

There are a few fish that can go with goldies, the underlined bits are links to info and pics:

Hillstream Loach Info - note these need very clean, flowing water.

Weather Loach Info

Peppered Cory Info

You'll need to tell us what size your tank is before we can help more. Goldies need a lot of space.

HTH :)

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