Some Lighting Questions........


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, UK
My corals are currently in my River Reef 94 under 2x37w power compact "daylight" bulbs, which I assume are 6500k.

When I transfer them to the new tank they will be under 4x54w T5HO - considerably more light. How should I go about avoiding shock to the corals? Start with a shorter photoperiod and then gradually increase it?

Also, will they be ok under 6500k bulbs for a couple of weeks? I plan to get 2x14k whites and 2xBlue plus bulbs when I get paid again!

I currently have:




Candy cane


I have some softies in my FOWLR system which I didn't expect to survive (they were frag remains on 2nd hand rock I bought) and they are flourishing despite being lit by 2 x 38W (i think) T8's. Not sure on the LPS but pretty sure the softies would be ok, as for acclimatising I'm not sure. I have some Zoas that become shaded by Xenia every few weeks, then when I cut it back they are immediately in the light and they don't suffer but tbh I have no real knowledge. This post did spark me to look at light acclimatising but it seems to be the same thing over and over again with people just repeating what they have seen elsewhere. Would like to see the results of test showing the difference, might do it myself place 2 bits of zoa in my FOWLR for a couple of weeks and then move it back to the Reef and shove one straight in at the top.
Start with the light higher up than you would normaly and lower it an inch every 2 days til you get to its intended position.

Also start with all the corals on the sand bed. Once you have lowered the light down to its intended position then place the corals.

Good idea to start with a shorter photo period too and gradually extend it.

I wouldnt be too worried myself as softies are really hardy and its not a huge amount of light they are going under! The lps I would be a little more cautious with! If you want to play it safejust do all 3 above and let us know how it goes.

Thanks guys :)

I don't think they'll suffer too badly reading into it, as you say the lighting isn't exactly a 400w halide :lol:

I also think they'll be ok with 6500k bulbs for a short period, they just won't appear as colourful.


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